
Is Virtue Signaling Vicious?

Is Virtue Signaling Vicious?

Virtue signaling—the practice of highlighting what one takes to be one’s own moral superiority, often by loudly denouncing the character and comportment, including the speech, of other people—has become a dominant mode of rhetoric throughout social media and network...

The “Power Vacuum” Argument

The “Power Vacuum” Argument No revolution has ever sprung forth, fully blown and fully armed like Athena, from the brow of existing society; no revolution has ever emerged from a vacuum. No revolution has ever been born out of ideas alone, but only from a long chain...

Welcome to Your Totalitarian Future

Technopoly is now. "Computers" -- meaning un-responsible software programmers -- to decide whether you're allowed to be a parent or not. The perfect solution to the age old question of who could possibly have the legitimate authority to license parenthood? Just let...



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