
Bank Run!

CNN: Do NOT take a bunch of cash out of the bank because of coronavirus Pretty sure you just talked me into it.

‘Distrust in Lebanese banks spurs bitcoin boom’

"If you're fighting for a world where bitcoin is a main currency, you're fighting for the end of all governments...We had the separation of church and state - today, bitcoin is working towards the separation of money and state.""Bitcoin is protected by mathematics,...

Today Is National Savings Day

National Savings Day sets aside October 12th to recognize those who value the act of saving and to provide simple steps to show getting started isn’t as difficult as it may seem. Not a day the Federal Reserve celebrates. The daily level of the federal funds rate back...

Israel Annexed the West Bank 52 Years Ago

No more pretending they will ever allow Palestinian independence. So, see, Israel is simply a totalitarian apartheid state, like Texas in 1952, only in this case the oppressed are not a small minority but half the population.



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