
Say What Now Again?

Beast: Army Soldier Plotted ‘Jihadi Attack’ on His Own Unit With Neo-Nazi Satanists: Feds Oh. An informant. Makes sense now. Federal prosecutors in New York accused a U.S. soldier of giving sensitive information on U.S. troop movements to a satanic white-supremacist...

Dear Leader Hides in Bunker

Doing his best impression of Bush and Cheney on September 11th, Trump flees in cowardly terror to his underground bunker due to protests and riots outside. As though 1 the protesters had any intention of storming the White House and lynching the president or 2 that...

David Stockman: Off The Charts!

From the Contracorner (paywall): It took 213 years and 43 presidents—-from George Washington to Dubya Bush—- to generate the first $6 trillion of public debt. Now a mad man in the Oval Office and a herd of Capitol Hill larcenists will be doing it in just 700 days....



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