
Alex Gladstein: The End Of Super Imperialism

"How did, as Hudson puts it, “America’s ideal of implementing laissez-faire economic institutions, political democracy, and a dismantling of formal empires and colonial systems” turn into a system where the U.S. forced other nations to pay for its wars, defaulted on...

The Secret Is Out And it Can No Longer Be Denied

“I don’t think there has been a greater engine of inequality than the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States”.   Stan Druckenmiller "Americans should increasingly question the role of the Fed and its impact on society. It’s not normal, nor should it be, that the...

David Stockman: Off The Charts!

From the Contracorner (paywall): It took 213 years and 43 presidents—-from George Washington to Dubya Bush—- to generate the first $6 trillion of public debt. Now a mad man in the Oval Office and a herd of Capitol Hill larcenists will be doing it in just 700 days....



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