Department of Justice

Fraud on Fraud: Compounding The LCS Follies

It only took the DoJ eight years to levy a fine for ripping off tax dollars. Imagine if journalists on the Pentagon beat actually went after the fraud and inefficiencies of the military industrial complex with investigative lenses and FOIA festivals that could shed...

Unpossible! Another Fraud Complex Found in DoD Contractor

Another fraud incident with overcharging. Sikorsky is a Lockheed-Martin subsidiary. Sikorsky Support Services Inc., a helicopter manufacturer headquartered in Stratford, Conn., agreed to pay the federal government $70 million in a settlement alongside Wisconsin-based...

Former Agent: DEA Knows the Drug War Is Unwinnable

Former Agent: DEA Knows the Drug War Is Unwinnable

A former stand-out agent at the Drug Enforcement Agency, José Irizarry, says the police force knows the drug war is unwinnable. In an interview with the Miami Herald, Irizarry claimed that a group of agents calling themselves “Team America” are using their power for profit. 



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