The Carrier Narrative is Dying

Carrier skeptics have been hammering away at the anachronistic cargo cult of the aircraft carrier. The Navy has invested a significant amount of political capital and mountains of budget dollars to maintaining a fleet of these allegedly deadly weapons of war that were...

The COVID Narrative Exposed on C-SPAN

The COVID Narrative Exposed on C-SPAN

Domestic Imperialists used the coercive apparatus of the state to stop hundreds of millions of people from enjoying their lives for years. Surely, we should see a great utilitarian benefit from these COVID lockdown policies and mask mandates. Why was it, that states...

Suck Less

Zero accountability for personal failure is the diamond-hard core principle of the woke mind virus. My Substack Email me at cgpodcast@pm.me

Freedom of Navigation? US Navy Continues to Fail

It appears the US Navy and the NATO midgets continue to be thwarted in trying to secure safe passage through the Red Sea arterials against a foe which has no navy to speak of. If the data is correct, the Yemeni Houthis have no vessels beyond the size of a patrol boat...

Broken: The American Shipbuilding Crisis

USS The Sullivans sinking in New York in 2022. Over the decades, the destroyers have fallen into various states of disrepair. In April 2022, The Sullivans suffered a hull breach and partially sank at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park in Buffalo,...

Death Toll for Palestinian Journalists in Gaza Hits 170

Death Toll for Palestinian Journalists in Gaza Hits 170

A journalist was killed along with 11 other Palestinians by an Israeli strike on a Gaza school, pushing the death toll for members of the media in Gaza to 170.  On Tuesday, Hamza Abdul Rahman Murtaja was killed in Gaza City while sheltering at the Mustafa Hafez...



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Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Americans today have “freedom” to be fleeced, groped, injected, harassed, surveilled, vilified, disarmed, beaten, detained, and maybe shot by federal agents. From hapless homeowners hit by SWAT raids to pandemic lockdowns pointlessly paralyzing lives, government...

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