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Sealift Takes a Dump: The US Navy Continues to Degrade

Another USN ship disaster in the offing. Contrary to what one would first think, this is tangential to the "IED* recruiting crisis." This is due to a separate recruiting crisis in Military Sealift Command (MSC) caused by the extreme workloads the civilian mariners who...

US Surface Navy is No Longer a Global Force

The US Navy may credibly dominate the Atlantic but the Pacific Ocean is no longer an exclusive US naval domination calculus. The Arctic is still dominated by the Russians and will remain so. The US Navy's ability to build functioning surface ships is compromised...

The Frigate Follies Get Worse and Worse

Déjà vu, it's happening again. The surface navy failures manifested in the Littoral Combat Ship, the Zumwalt and the USS Ford will soon have another ship to add to that gallery of maritime incompetence that showcases the modern US Navy. I say again, construction...

The US is the World Leader with No Pier

Yet another existential chaos avalanche in American foreign policy. The pier took two months and $350m to build, lasted 12 days, and delivered less than 60 trucks' worth of food (most of which was stolen after it reached Gaza) before it broke and had to be towed away...



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