


Submission Email: editor@libertarianinstitute.orgPlease, adhere to the following guidelines: 1) Keep your submissions on subject. 2) Submissions must have a maximum limit of 1,800 words. 3) Formatting: a) Please submit all pieces in a Word document, with no fancy...

Kentucky Governor Frees Some Non-Violent Inmates

And you cannot make this stuff up: "The state is working to manufacture PPE, according to the governor, but the process is somewhat hindered by intellectual property constraints." Ain't it funny how cops, DAs, judges and other government employees don't worry one bit...

This is Your Security Force

From the Free Thought Project: WATCH: Cops Violate Social Distancing to Arrest Innocent Dad for Playing in a Park with 6yo Daughter Brighton, CO — Over the weekend, Matt Mooney, his wife, and their 6-year-old daughter were playing t-ball at an empty park when a half...

‘C’mon Man, I Thought You Liked Me’

Biden's former intern describes being sexually assaulted by the now-Democratic Party frontrunner in 1993. Sounds credible except for the fact that she wasn't pre-pubescent at the time, which seems to be his primary pathology....

Cops Kill Lady

“Window Into Hell”: Mother of Five Dies After Four Days in Solitary Confinement She was not charged with any crime. Just murdered. But don't worry about the state of the country needing your attention or anything. This particular individual in jail is of no direct...



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