
Americans Hate Liberty’s Sorry Guts With a Passion

Our countrymen: "We presented a nationally representative sample of 3,000 U.S. residents with eight possible policy responses to the outbreak, all of which may be unconstitutional, including forced quarantine in a government facility, criminal penalties for spreading...

Dangerous Times

We live in dangerous times -- and not just medically and economically. Government executives all over the world -- with a few honorable exceptions -- are exercising autocratic power, that is, power without legislative or constitutional authority, in the name of...

No One Hates Truth More Than the Police

Every cop, prosecutor, "expert witness," judge and juror involved in the false conviction of Darlie Routier for the murder of her children should be buried in the deepest solitary confinement hole. They are guilty and deserve nothing less for their crimes.

Free Ross!

Trump administration to federal prisons: Increase home confinement for inmates to slow coronavirus spread

You Better Buy Your Bullets Now Boys

They're going fast. Our friends over at have a great study of the increases of all their sales since late February. It's not going to last. After the Obama scare of 2012, guns and ammo were wiped out completely for months. This could be even worse. Maybe...

Live in Philly? Better Arm Up Now.

Via BigLeaguePolitics: Leaked Memo: Philadelphia Unleashes Looters, Police Will Not Make Arrests For Property Theft, Drug Crimes During State of Emergency (There's no such thing as a "drug crime," right-wing kooks. Richard Nixon is dead, okay? Prostitution among...

Cops Kill Lady

“Window Into Hell”: Mother of Five Dies After Four Days in Solitary Confinement She was not charged with any crime. Just murdered. But don't worry about the state of the country needing your attention or anything. This particular individual in jail is of no direct...



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