
Flynn-Kislyak Call Transcript Released

As we already knew, the bad part is him trying to get Russia to veto the UNSC Israel-Palestine resolution. The part about the sanctions and avoiding "tough guy" "tit-for-tat" escalation of tensions over Obama's sanctions was perfectly fine if not heroic.

A Nation of Snitches

Our countrymen. Largely confined to their homes and worried about the spread of the coronavirus and its risks to their own health or that of loved ones, a segment of the United States has turned informant, calling the police, public health authorities and the...

Americans Hate Liberty’s Sorry Guts With a Passion

Our countrymen: "We presented a nationally representative sample of 3,000 U.S. residents with eight possible policy responses to the outbreak, all of which may be unconstitutional, including forced quarantine in a government facility, criminal penalties for spreading...

Dangerous Times

We live in dangerous times -- and not just medically and economically. Government executives all over the world -- with a few honorable exceptions -- are exercising autocratic power, that is, power without legislative or constitutional authority, in the name of...

No One Hates Truth More Than the Police

Every cop, prosecutor, "expert witness," judge and juror involved in the false conviction of Darlie Routier for the murder of her children should be buried in the deepest solitary confinement hole. They are guilty and deserve nothing less for their crimes.



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