
The Wigan Pier of the Periphery

The Wigan Pier of the Periphery

I just finished some work in the city. I was working with a pair of carpenters, men in dirty clothes with splinters in their hands. As we worked the nicely dressed office class ignored those building the world around them, the delivery drivers, the cleaners, the...

A Home into a House

It’s a modest house, a unit trapped inside of a suburb within a suburb. Mostly elderly live here. A woman in her late seventies greets me, “I’m Rosanne, the neighbour.” She takes me through the house and shows me what needs to be carried out. Heavy furniture and the...

Five Chimneys of Gaza

Millions and thousands become empty numbers when scaled in the context of history. As a scale of human life taken, those numbers are tragic and can seem unreal. A life balanced against policy, allowed to suffer and die beneath a wider context that is expedient or...

Great Resource on the History of Communism

Vladimir Putin's paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin, was the personal live-at-home cook for Lenin and Stalin. Daily Wire's "Empire of Terror", the case against communism is Bill Whittle's stellar effort. Social proof is a thing. Great interview with...



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