Chelsea Manning Fight the State

On FPF #321, I discuss Chelsea Manning's heroic refusal to testify in a secret federal court and her return to prison. Chelsea refused to testify in an unfair court by invoking her 1st, 4th, and 6th Amendment rights. Her rights were ignored, and she was thrown in...

Zionists Are Hilarious

Check out the apartheid lobby's awesome, entertaining reaction to The New Jim Crow author Michelle Alexander's Op-Ed against Israel in the New York Times. They don't know what to do. Hasbara doesn't work any more. Israel has all the power and the Palestinians are...

Tulsi Gabbard is Running for President

I'm pretty certain this is a good thing. She knows enough to really fight about it. She's an Iraq War II vet so hawks can't call her a wimp. She's pretty enough to be respectable (Sorry ladies, I'm not trying to be a jerk, but that's how it is. Warm and grandmotherly...



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