
A Kind Word on Behalf of the Mexicans

“The immigration problem” or “the border problem” has been a heated topic of debate and politicking in recent years. (This recent spurt is only the most recent in a series that goes back for centuries in U.S. history.) In large part this debate pertains to the entry...

More Praise for Immigrants

My old friend Jon Basil Utley has a well-timed piece in The American Conservative under the applause-worthy title "In Praise of Immigrants." Utley, who is the publisher of The American Conservative, writes: "Three new technologies of the last 20 years made America’s...

News Roundup 2/20/17

Scott Pruitt has been confirmed to head the EPA. Pruitt is currently suing the EPA as Oklahoma's Attorney General. [Link] An Arizona sheriff overturns a rule put in place by his predecessor, Joe Arpaio, that allows immigrants to be detained for over the maximum...



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