Max Blumenthal tells the shocking story of a recent lawsuit filed against the Grayzone by heiress Sulome Anderson, who alleged that she was slandered as a hack journalist by Blumenthal's outlet. Blumenthal readily admits that they have criticized Anderson's work, but...
The NSA Is Spying on Tucker Carlson (and Everyone Else)
by Jim Bovard | Jul 2, 2021 | Featured Articles
Fox News host Tucker Carlson was mocked on social media this week for stating that he had been told that the National Security Agency was reading his private emails and spying on him. The usual suspects called Carlson paranoid, because there are so many checks and...
6/4/21 Sam Husseini on the Collapse of the Official Coronavirus Origin Narrative
by Scott Horton | Jun 6, 2021 | The Scott Horton Show
Scott talks to Sam Hussini about the sudden popularity of the coronavirus "lab leak" theory. For about a year straight, Husseini reminds us, anyone discussing the possibility that the coronavirus originated in a lab—even credentialed scientists—were ridiculed in the...
The Antiwar Comic: Your Local Post Office
by Tony DiGerolamo | May 29, 2021 | Blog
I still don't believe this one. I mean, Ben Franklin must be spinning in his grave. The very IDEA this is happening wouldn't be worthy of a segment on Infowars five years ago. More comics at the Webcomic Factory
A Majority of Police Killings in 2020 Began With a Phone Call Mentioning No Crime or Violent Offense
by Matt Agorist | Apr 20, 2021 | Criminal Justice, Featured Articles
Unless you never turn on the television or go on the internet, then you likely know American police kill hundreds of people every year with impunity. 1,127 — that is the number of lives brought to an end by “peace officers” in the land of the free in 2020....
News Roundup 4/19/21
by Kyle Anzalone | Apr 19, 2021 | Conflicts of Interest
US News Rusten Sheskey - the Kenosha police officer who shot Jacob Blake - returns to duty. [Link] Biden walks back a pledge to increase the number of refugees the US accepts. [Link] Judges are banning some alleged Capitol Rioters from accessing the internet. [Link]...
White House Uses Debunked ‘Russian Bounties’ Story To Justify New Sanctions on Moscow
by Dave DeCamp | Apr 16, 2021 | Featured Articles, Foreign Policy
In a major escalation with Moscow, the Biden administration announced on Thursday a series of sanctions against Russian individuals and entities. The White House also said it is expelling 10 Russian diplomats. In an announcement on the sanctions, the State Department...
Cop Kills Innocent Woman, Taxpayers Liable
by Matt Agorist | Apr 9, 2021 | Criminal Justice, Featured Articles
A tragedy unfolded in 2019 in Houston, Texas when a Baytown police officer approached a woman, 44-year-old Pamela Turner, and killed her. Turner’s last words before she was shot five times by the officer were “I’m pregnant.” Now, nearly two years later, the family has...
How Far We’ve Come
"The conditions under which modern man of the capitalist West must act are different from those under which his primitive ancestors lived and acted. As a result of the providential care of our forebears we have at our disposal an ample stock of intermediate products...
The Vulnerable Capitalist
"Popular literature attributes enormous 'power' to the capitalist and considers his owning a mass of capital goods as of enormous significance, giving him a great advantage over other people in the economy. We see, however, that this is far from the case; indeed, the...
Winter is Coming to an American City Near You
It is much worse than Shawn Ryan thinks per his reactions during the interview. Sarah Adams discusses a forecast of an attack on the US from 1:12:00 to 1:25:00. There will be far more than 1k fighters (think train the trainer) because the aQ et al planners will...
Ruminations on War in the 21st Century
Agreed, Armchair Warlord nails the paper tiger posing as the US military. My additions: There is no Auftragstaktik in the modern western militaries despite their "embrace" of Mission Command. Carriers are the crossbow and chariot of the 21st century. A tremendous...
USS Liberty Incident Rises from the Ash Heap of Inconvenient History
Medal of Honor citation for Commander William L. McGonagle, USN, Commanding Officer, USS Liberty (AGTR-5) Thanks to Candace Owens for lifting this incident from the dead. One receives the Medal of Honor for engaging in a fight in enemy action. "For conspicuous...
Natural Economic Law Can’t Be Repealed
If the government restricts supply and subsidizes demand, out-of-control prices, resource shortages, and unpleasant ad hoc coping restrictions will follow. That is the natural (economic) law. The government cannot repeal it. But it can stop its attempt to plan.
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