About the Revolution, 10 years on.
Laurie Calhoun Interview
by Scott Horton | Oct 6, 2017 | Blog
The great Laurie Calhoun of the Independent Institute gives an interview to Who What Why about the drone and other wars abroad and violence at home.
Dennis Rodman Could Save Us All from Nuclear War
by Rare | Sep 11, 2017 | Featured Articles, Foreign Policy, Politics
Former Bulls star and North Korea’s leader are an unlikely pair that just may save us all – well, at least from a nuclear disaster that is. Dennis Rodman, who has also paid several visits to Kim Jong Un, says the two talk about everything but politics during Rodman’s...
Snowden Part Two: Edward Interviews Ron!
by Ron Paul | Jun 25, 2017 | Featured Articles, Libertarianism
Via RonPaulLibertyReport.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAVye51EUkM
The Putin Interviews
by Scott Horton | Jun 16, 2017 | Blog
Oliver Stone's 4 hours of interviews of Russian President Vladimir Putin are available here. And ain't it hilarious to see the TV goons vilifying Stone for daring to allow Vlad the Terrible to speak for himself for just a few minutes. He might be sending secret coded...
6/12/17 Eric Margolis on the 1967 Six-Day War and its aftermath
by Scott Horton | Jun 12, 2017 | The Scott Horton Show
Eric Margolis, the famous foreign affairs correspondent and author of “War at the Top of the World” and “American Raj”, on the 1967 Arab Israeli War that started fifty years ago this June. In a wide ranging interview, Margolis delivers a 101 on postwar Middle Eastern...
5/31/17 Clair Manera coordinator of Médecins Sans Frontières project Yemen, is interviewed on the Cholera outbreak
by Scott Horton | May 31, 2017 | The Scott Horton Show
Claire Manera, coordinator of Médecins Sans Frontières’s project in Yemen, is interviewed on the Cholera outbreak in Yemen. Yemen has been in a state of conflict since 2015. That conflict is causing a humanitarian crisis, especially since the intervention by Saudi...
5/29/17 Alex Main on Collateral Damage in the Drug War in Honduras
by Scott Horton | May 29, 2017 | The Scott Horton Show
Alex Main from the Center For Economic and Policy Research is interviewed on “Collateral Damage of a Drug War” and “Still Waiting for Justice”, his reports co-authored with Annie Bird about a DEA atrocity in Honduras. Topics discussed include America’s drug war in...
The SANDF is a Military Dumpster Fire
The South African National Defense Force (SANDF) is in tatters. The SA Navy is also in the hazard. One glaring example is the MTU 1163 propulsion engine. Grimms was paid R55 million for a W6 engine overhaul, yet the engine has still not undergone a dyno test or no...
Terrestrial Speed Demon: Non-Nuclear Throw-Weight Comes of Age
Russians play chess and the West plays Naked Twister. ICBMs and IRBMs have been hyper-sonic since the 1950s. Replace the warhead with a terrestrial-launched Rod from God and you have a very effective non-nuclear option to reach anywhere in the northern hemisphere with...
Macgregor Steps Up to the Plate
COL Douglas Macgregor shows the stark choices ahead a defense establishment in the US and the west that is inexorably grinding to a halt in effectiveness and incompetence. The incoming President has three choices: 1. Allow service bureaucracies or external events to...
Mr Jarfart
Just think about this, whatever your child or your niece, nephew and some strangers kids are feeding their eyes with is likely attached to a clown or maybe a cynical conglomerate that knows social media and children fed algorithms will make them rich. Those little...
Free Trade Facts Don’t Matter to Democrats or Republicans
Both parties tend to ignore facts about the benefits of free trade because both parties oppose free trade.
The Government Had to Bankrupt Spirit Airlines to Save It
The US government is very good at destroying things on the pretense that its actions are required to save the things destroyed.
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