Islamic State

News Roundup 8/25/20

News Roundup 8/25/20

US News A judge rejected a police officer’s bid for qualified immunity. The police officer strip-searched a four-year-old while investigating a mother for leaving her kids in the car for a few minutes. [Link] A judge grants qualified immunity to a police officer who...

News Roundup 8/25/20

News Roundup 6/1/20

The Murder of George Floyd The police officer who murdered George Floyd has been charged with manslaughter and murder. Derek Chauvin and three other officers were fired after they murdered Floyd. [Link] Will Porter covers the protests, looting, and police brutality....

News Roundup 8/25/20

News Roundup 5/15/20

US News The police officer who was fired for hiding during the Parkland school shooting gets his job back. [Link] Michigan suspends the licenses of a barber who did not follow the lockdown order. [Link] The DoD is set to bail out a company that contracts with the...

News Roundup 8/25/20

News Roundup 5/4/20

US News A Washington woman was targeted by authorities for running a food pantry. The authorities said she didn’t have a proper permit and must pay a fine. [Link] The US flew B-1B bombers over the South China Sea. [Link] Secretary of State Pompeo says there is...

News Roundup 8/25/20

News Roundup 4/29/20

US News Kentucky parents are being investigated for child abuse for failing to practice social distancing. [Link] Trump dossier author Christopher Steele met with DNC lawyers before publishing the report. The DNC provided Steele with the information about an alleged...

Afghanistan’s Next War

New York Times Magazine  has published a expose of Afghanistan as it struggles with war and  Covid-19.  Writer Mujib Mashal and photographer Kiana Hayeri have documented the effect of Covid-19 on Afghanistan and how the country has no infrastructure to deal with the...

News Roundup 8/25/20

News Roundup 3/25/20

US News Colorado abolishes the death penalty. The governor also reduced the sentences of the last three remaining death row inmates to life in prison without parole. [Link] A commission examining if the US should include women in the draft or abolish it reached the...



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