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Hong Kong Protestors Might Not Be Smart

We know the CIA is helping the protesters.  One.  We know China is amassing an army to send into Hong Kong (which will change everything for Hong Kong), and we know what China is willing to do to protesters with tanks.  Two.  Hong Kong's protesters have access to...

Trump Renounces Iran Regime Change

"I really believe that Iran would like to make a deal, and I think that's very smart of them, and I think that's a possibility to happen. It has a chance to be a great country with the same leadership. We aren't looking for regime change -- I just want to make that...

Chomsky on Russiagate: Don’t Be Stupid

Here's some more Chomsky from a couple weeks ago on what he called the "farcical" fixation on Russiagate and Trump/Russia collusion. Twitter often distorts the critical difference between establishment liberalism & leftism so Chomsky is great to listen to on all...

A Liberal New Year’s Via Ralph Raico

It's a tough new year for me, with Trump and everything.  He, and his opponents, have made me feel like I live in crazytown more than anything else in recent history.   At least (per the recent "Vice" movie) Dick Cheney just seemed like a lying jerk. I was listening...



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