mainstream media

The Fed Is Running Out of Bubbles to Create

The Fed Is Running Out of Bubbles to Create

The Fed came out with a series of unprecedented measures on March 22, 2020. They announced the Fed will buy an unlimited amount of Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities (MBS), or as Peter Schiff refers to it, “QE infinity.” This has been very positively welcomed by...

Reddit Is Cancer

I know there's nowhere else to go, but reasonable people just need to quit Reddit. Recently they have comprehensively banned and quarantined (funny wording) all talk of the coronavirus that does not refer to either 1) government press releases or 2) mainstream media...

Fake News

Fake News

On FPF #360, I discuss some misleading and incorrect stories that appeared in the mainstream media. Recent articles about Venezuela featured headlines suggesting four million people fled Venezuela this year. The reality is a UN report said less than three and a half...



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