
Responding to WaPo Spin on Syria

What follows is a response to a July 26 article published at the Washington Post entitled “Why is the Trump Administration Empowering al-Qaeda in Syria?” penned by columnist Marc Thiessen. The article—while its headline sounds like something many non-interventionists...

Crowdstrike Retracts Half Their Claims

After being busted, by the Voice of America, no less, telling tall tales about why you should believe for one single minute that Russia must be behind the DNC or Podesta leaks to Wikileaks last year, Crowdstrike has now climbed down from half of their claims. Don't...

Bad News

According to Andrea Mitchell Greenspan, Trump is going to put neoconservative kingpin and Podhoretz son-in-law Elliot Abrams in the top deputy spot at the State Department. That is not good. Not good at all.



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