North Korea

FPF #217 – Peace Talks

On FPF #217, I discuss peace talks taking place. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited North Korea for talks on North Korean denuclearization. The North Korean Foreign Minister said the talks were regrettable, while Pompeo called the talks productive. The mainstream...

Episode 125: Dr. Ron Paul

25 Minutes Mance was excited to talk to Dr. Ron Paul this week. He asked Dr. Paul about his famous moment in the 2007 debates with Rudy Giuliani, the state of the Libertarian Party, the economy, the border issue and N. Korea. Please enjoy this abbreviated, but robust...

FPF #214 – Saudi Lies to Congress

On FPF #214, I breakdown Saudi's misleading explanation for their bombing of a Doctors Without Borders cholera treatment facility in Yemen. Saudi Arabia attempted to use an email from a low-level DWB official to claim DWB was at fault for the bombing. However, the...

News Roundup 6/27/18

How the US government ends up spending $10,000 on a toilet seat. [Link] Trump has expanded the Obama drone program. [Link] Defense Sec Mattis traveled to China to meet with President Xi. [Link] North and South Korea hold talks on moving North Korea's...

News Roundup 6/21/18

Amazon is the front-runner to win a $10 billion contract to sell cloud services to the Pentagon. [Link] Trump signs an order ending the US policy of separating children from their parents at the border. [Link] Ray McGovern on the unjust confinement of Julian Assange....



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