Download Episode. Ted Snider joined Scott on Antiwar Radio this week to talk about some concerning developments in Eastern Europe. They start with the tensions on the Polish-Belarus border where forces have been building up since Wagner forces moved in after the...
‘A’ Beliefs and ‘B’ Beliefs: A Defense of Thin Libertarianism
by David Hathaway | Jul 31, 2023 | Featured Articles, Libertarianism
Is it true that libertarians can’t agree on anything? Are libertarians allowed to have varying beliefs on lifestyle, religion, etc.? How often it is suggested that a real libertarian has to have an empty head when it comes to ideas on religion, philosophy, or...
It Is Just About Time
by Brice M. Vanhaelen | Jul 24, 2023 | Economics, Featured Articles, Libertarianism
Time is the most valuable resource owned by individuals. Indeed, the time available to an individual, being by essence limited, is an extremely scarce resource. One could argue that progresses in medicine contribute to increase the average lifespan, but it cannot be...
Vector Auto-Regression and Classical Economic Theory: Will the Keynesian Saga Ever End?
by Mike Steele | Jul 13, 2023 | Economics, Featured Articles
Economists rely on Vector Autoregression (VAR) models to forecast macroeconomic time series that may infer the effects of structural shocks and estimate unobservable cyclical components of macroeconomic aggregates. A VAR model is made up of a system of equations that...
7/6/23 Ryan McMaken: Where in the Boom-Bust Cycle Are We?
by Scott Horton | Jul 10, 2023 | The Scott Horton Show
Download Episode. Scott is again joined by Ryan McMaken of the Mises Institute to talk about the economy. First, they examine the major fluctuations in the money supply to help us predict where in the boom-bust cycle we might be. They then identify the dominant...
The Case For Christian Nationalism: A Review and Rebuttal
by Alex Bernardo | Jun 26, 2023 | Featured Articles
“Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.’”– John of Patmos, Revelation 11:15 (NASB) Reflecting on the global rise of...
Libertarianism Must Be Exclusive
by Benjamin Seevers | Jun 21, 2023 | Featured Articles, Libertarianism
This Pride Month, like many before it, some libertarians are sharing the slogan “Liberty is Inclusive.” The slogan is meant to affirm the idea of equality, not only in the law, but also in how people treat one another outside of legal arrangements. Is this consistent...
The Myth of “Hyper-Rugged-Isolationist-Individualism”
by Keith Knight | May 30, 2023 | Blog
Myth #1: Libertarians believe that each individual is an isolated, hermetically sealed atom, acting in a vacuum without influencing each other. This is a common charge, but a highly puzzling one. In a lifetime of reading libertarian and classical-liberal...
Production for Profit Is Production for People, part 2
"In his capacity as a businessman a man is a servant of the consumers, bound to comply with their wishes. He cannot indulge in his own whims and fancies. But his customers’ whims and fancies are for him ultimate law, provided these customers are ready to pay for them....
Production for Profit Is Production for People
"Profit and loss can be expressed in definite amounts of money. It is possible to ascertain in terms of money how much an individual has profited or lost. However, this is not a statement about this individual’s psychic profit or loss. It is a statement about a social...
"The detractors of liberty are in this sense right in calling it a 'bourgeois' issue and in blaming the rights guaranteeing liberty for being negative. In the realm of state and government, liberty means restraint imposed upon the exercise of the police power. "There...
Freedom and Competition
"The freedom of man under capitalism is an effect of competition. The worker does not depend on the good graces of an employer. If his employer discharges him, he finds another employer. The consumer is not at the mercy of the shopkeeper. He is free to patronize...
Do You Really Meme It?
I was going to write a comment on some current discourse, the usual diatribe of impulsive viral outrage invented by those who live online. A reaction to trending tantrums. The usual produce from memetards who vomit digital junk the algorithms, whether one follows them...
“Mature Capitalism” Ain’t Capitalism
"It would be correct to describe this state of affairs in this way: Today many or some groups of business are no longer liberal; they do not advocate a pure market economy and free enterprise, but, on the contrary, are asking for various measures of government...