
What a Hollow Pretext For a Putsch

The FBI is trying to pretend they really believed Trump fired Comey on Russian orders rather than over Comey's J. Edgar Hoover-type extortion scheme he pulled on Trump with the fake foreign dossier and launching this whole fake investigation of him in the first place....

FPF #268 – Midterm Elections

On FPF #268, I discuss the 2018 Midterm Elections. I explain why I did not vote. Little of the debate in the leadup to the midterms has been on what US foreign policy. Most of Congress takes no interest in wars and ignore their Constitutional duties. I look at some...

FPF #173 – Kicking the Russians Out

On FPF #173, I discuss the US expelling 60 Russian diplomats. Several other countries also expelled Russian diplomats in response to an alleged Russian nerve agent attack in the UK. I look at the evidence behind the allegations and respond to US Ambassador to Russia...



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