
These are Major Developments

These are Major Developments

Times, they are a-changing. This morning I was walking my son down the hallway of the elementary school to his classroom. A great number of the parents and kids were late to school, and the teachers were grumbling about difficulties caused by Daylight Savings Time. I...

No Man Controls Everything in a State

No Man Controls Everything in a State

The constant screeching about various “strongmen” from America’s media and think tank classes seem to have created a widespread misunderstanding about how governments, or really any large organization, work. We perhaps see this the most with Russia, where we hear the...

Why Kentucky Needs School Choice

Why Kentucky Needs School Choice

Republicans in Kentucky’s House of Representatives are pushing for school choice. This comes after Kentucky's Supreme Court ruled that no tax dollars could go to any school besides public schools. Now, the GOP fighting back. State Rep. Josh Calloway introduced a bill...



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