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News Roundup 5/12/21

News Roundup 5/12/21

Afghanistan Pakistan rules out allowing the US to reposition forces from Afghanistan in Pakistan. [Link] CENTCOM reports that withdrawal from Afghanistan is 6-12% complete. [Link] Israel Israel vows escalation in Gaza. So far 35 people in Gaza and five in Israel have...

News Roundup 5/12/21

News Roundup 11/11/20

US News NASA certified Space X to carry astronauts. The US has been relying on Russia to taxi our astronauts back and forth. [Link] Republicans are attempting to prevent Trump from firing CIA Director Gina Haspel. [Link] The Acting Pentagon Policy Chief James Anderson...

What Trump Should Be Impeached For

From CNN This footage showing the unloading of a variety of US-made arms -- which was filmed illicitly at the offloading site, then obtained and verified by CNN -- is itself contentious. Multiple witnesses told CNN that Yemeni authorities, backed by the Saudi-led...

FPF #303 – Venezuelan Regime Change?

FPF #303 – Venezuelan Regime Change?

On FPF #303, I discuss the potential change of government in Venezuela. The leader of the country's opposition, Juan Guaido has declared himself the interim president. The move has been backed by the US and several other nations. The Maduro government still claims to...

FPF #283 – Hell on Earth

On FPF #283, I discuss the crisis in Yemen. Senator Chris Murphy recently wrote the US is assisting in the creation of hell on Earth in Yemen. The Senate is set to debate a bill that could invoke Congress' Constitutional War Making Powers to end the US support for the...

News Roundup 10/18/18

Recreational marijuana is now legal in Canada. [Link] 17 students were killed by a gunman in Russia. [Link] North and South Korea agree to reconnect roads and rail lines between the two countries. [Link] The US will spend $390 million to clean up a site contaminated...



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