
Oh, So That’s Why You-All Love Government So Much

I just couldn't figure it out. Why would people put their children in government school? Do they hate their own children? Yes, that must be it. They hate their own children, but fearing what the government will do to them if they beat them, they just turn them over to...

The Free Thought Project

Every single day over there are stories of cops raping, torturing and murdering Americans with impunity. Every day. It seems like maybe something's wrong.

Will Grigg Memorial Service

Copied from Go Fund Me page for Will Grigg's family: A memorial for William N. Grigg will be held at Vision Community Church in Marsing, Idaho on Saturday, April 29th. The address is 221 W. Main Street, Marsing, Idaho 83639. There will be a luncheon at 12:30 PM and...



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