
Does Foreign Press Have First Amendment Rights?

“We have now learned from submissions and affidavits presented by the United States to this court that they do not consider foreign nationals to have a First Amendment protection,” - WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson The text of the First Amendment is:...

Vietnam! Vietnam!

Vietnam! Vietnam!

“People ask me who my heroes are. I have only one – Adolf Hitler.” – General Ky, prime minister of South Vietnam. Written by Felix Greene and published in 1966, this is a explicit and graphic photo heavy book that makes a strong antiwar case. Though it was available...

News Roundup 12/30/19

News Roundup 12/30/19

US News The FBI is investigating a Ghislaine Maxwell, a British woman who worked with Jeffery Epistine trafficking young women and children. [Link] Navy SEALs say they witnessed Eddie Gallagher murder a man and shoot at a child. Trump granted Gallagher clemency and...

Wikileaks: Another OPCW Douma Coverup Document Leak

Via Dave DeCamp: Here: "One of the documents is an e-mail exchange dated 27 and 28 February between members of the fact finding mission (FFM) deployed to Douma and the senior officials of the OPCW. It includes an e-mail from Sebastien Braha, Chief of Cabinet at the...



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