It’s Summer Fundraising Time!

Thank you to all our generous donors who have already contributed to our cause; your support makes a tremendous impact. If you haven’t yet, please consider making a donation today to help us continue our vital work.

$7,820 of $60,000 raised


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“V” for Vigilante

Friday, December 10, 2010 “V” for Vigilante For months, Ada County Sheriff David Updyke had been investigating a secretive group of armed extremists living at the periphery of his southwest Idaho jurisdiction. When an informant provided him with a membership list of the armed band, Updyke wasted no time. He obtained arrest warrants, organized a […]

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Coda to a Killing: No Justice for Derek Hale

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Coda to a Killing: No Justice for Derek Hale Derek with his wife, Elaine.   The practice of police “accountability” generally consists of using money stolen at gunpoint to buy off victims and survivors of officially sanctioned criminal violence. Few better examples can be found than the $975,000 settlement paid by […]

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“Just Keeping You Safe”: The Cheka Checks In

Saturday, December 18, 2010 “Just Keeping You Safe”: The Cheka Checks In “What are you doing here?” Paul asked the armed stranger who had materialized outside his workplace. “Just keeping you safe,” replied the interloper, who had invaded the property without invitation or explanation.  The visitor was clad in what Paul described as a SWAT-style […]

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The Conscience of a Killer

Friday, December 31, 2010 The Conscience of a Killer Eric Strausbaugh of Franklin, Wisconsin, a 34-year-old husband and father, killed himself last October 31. Friends recall that he was experiencing marital difficulties and a great deal of job-related stress. A large part of his emotional burden was the result of his actions on November 9, […]

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One Giant Rez

Friday, January 2, 2009 One Giant Rez An authentic American hero: Crazy Horse, as depicted in the monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota. “What’s happening in my country is also happening in your country…. You don’t even know it, but you’re the Indians of the 21st Century, and that’s very sad.” – Russell […]

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The Bubble of U.S.-Israeli Dominance

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 The Bubble of U.S.-Israeli Dominance As is the case whenever Israel conducts a major military campaign, the ongoing IDF assault on Gaza – which has annihilated hundreds of non-combatants, including children — has flushed the bigots out of the brush. One particularly notorious specimen encapsulated the message sent by Israel’s strike […]

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In Praise of Paul Blart (Updated, January 21)

Monday, January 19, 2009 In Praise of Paul Blart (Updated, January 21) It’s funny, ’cause it’s true: Paul Blart, the unarmed mall security guard hero of the new film, is a more suitable exemplar of the “protect and serve” ethic than the government’s armed enforcement agents. When tyrants rule, jesters often boldly tell truths that […]

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At Least They Didn’t Name Him “Sue” (Breaking News Update Below)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 At Least They Didn’t Name Him “Sue” (Breaking News Update Below) Love and death, or as they’re known in Greek, Eros and Thanatos. “Come here, Thanatos,” called the young father, beckoning to a small boy who had surrendered himself unconditionally to an arcade game.In my astonishment, I performed a double-take of […]

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The Torture State Endures

Saturday, January 24, 2009 The Torture State Endures (Posted for purposes of illustration only; not intended as an advertisement.) From Locke to Schlock: The t-shirt on the left, a juvenile celebration of the Khmer Rouge’s favorite torture tactic, is a suitable illustration of what contemporary conservatism is all about.Nil desperandum, conservative defenders of the Torture […]

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Kleptocrats of the World, Unite!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Kleptocrats of the World, Unite! His name isn’t Barton, but he is certainly a Fink: Newly installed economic dictator Timothy Geithner.Perhaps the only commendable thing newly installed Economic Dictator (and Barton Fink lookalike) Tim Geithner has done in a public career otherwise devoted to serving the Power Elite was to “cheat” […]

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Police State Keynesianism: Stimulating Tyranny

Thursday, February 5, 2009 Police State Keynesianism: Stimulating Tyranny Victims of the Regime’s Narco-Terrorism: Cheye Calvo (right) and his wife Trinity. There’s no way to know how badly things would have gone at the Berwyn Heights, Maryland home of Cheye and Trinity Calvo if Amir Johnson hadn’t shown up when he did. Johnson, a private […]

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The Draft-Nappers Are Stirring

Monday, February 9, 2009 The Draft-Nappers Are Stirring The Patron Saint of the “Leave Us The Hell Alone” Caucus: Charlie Anderson (James Stewart), the Individualist hero of the film Shenandoah. “Virginia needs all of her sons, Mr. Anderson.” “That might be so. But these are my sons! Mine! They don’t belong to the state! When […]

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The Bipartisan Homeland Security State

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 The Bipartisan Homeland Security State For two years, Bart McIntyre was deeply involved in the insignificant, thinly populated white supremacist movement.Though it may be difficult to believe, this actually represented something of an improvement in McIntyre’s social circle, since his paying job was a position in one of our country’s most […]

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Limbaugh-Leninism The de facto Dear Leader of the Republican-centered conservative movement: Rush Limbaugh, seen here in front of a large portrait of the object of his greatest affection. “Kto kogo?””Who/whom,” or “Who does what to whom?” — the central question of politics, according to Vladimir Lenin.A nineteenth century pundit wearily observed […]

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Rubicon in the Rear-View, Pt. IV: The Chicago “Surge”

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Rubicon in the Rear-View, Pt. IV: The Chicago “Surge” Urban warfare, here and abroad: Marine CWO James Roussell (back row, third from left)supervises counter-insurgency warfare in Fallujah, Iraq; below, right, Roussell, a 30-year Chicago police officer, back on the streets of his hometown,where he heads a special gang unit designed to […]

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Turning “Mr. Hand” into “Mr. Fist”

Thursday, February 19, 2009 Turning “Mr. Hand” into “Mr. Fist” The embodiment of bureaucracy: Arthur Dent, left, and his alien friend Ford Prefect, are menaced by a representative of the Vogons, a slimy, officious, dull-witted race of interstellar “public servants,” in the film adaptation of Douglas Adams’s masterpiece The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The […]

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Set the Spin Cycle to “Race Agitate”

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Set the Spin Cycle to “Race Agitate” Firefighter by day, arsonist by night: Attorney General Eric Holder,a man I liked a lot more three and a half decades ago when he played the heroic Dr. Bob Matthias on Space:1999 (below, right), appears determined to ignite racial conflicts the Regime can triumphantly […]

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A “Reckoning” Amid the Wreckage

Friday, February 27, 2009 A “Reckoning” Amid the Wreckage Space Keynesianism: All hail the grand architects of our renewed prosperity, Ben Bernanke (nearest to the nosecone) and Tim Geithner (straddling a fin), who for some reason decided to bring along Henry Paulson (clinging to the underside of the rocket). “At this very moment, the President […]

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Will Grigg

Will Grigg (1963–2017), the former Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute, was an independent, award-winning investigative journalist and author. He authored six books, most recently his posthumous work, No Quarter: The Ravings of William Norman Grigg.

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