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From “Surge” to Slavery

From “Surge” to Slavery If you want a good measure of how little the Regime cares for its subjects, consider this fact: Members of local draft boards, who would be given the power to make life and death decisions regarding deferments or exemptions in the likely event that Congress decides to create a slave army, […]

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My Amerika (first in an occasional series)

My Amerika (first in an occasional series) “America’s Sheriff,” Mike Carona, poses with America’s Feliks Dzerzhinsky — Tom Ridge, founder of our Cheka, the Department of Homeland Security. Several decades ago, Latvian filmmaker Albert Jekste produced a documentary entitled “My Latvia” depicting the Soviet conquest and occupation of the Baltic States. The most memorable sequence […]

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Attention, Rep. Walter Jones: The Constitution is Calling

Attention, Rep. Walter Jones: The Constitution is Calling I desperately want to support HJ Res. 14, a bill sponsored by Representative Walter Jones (R-North Carolina) that is intended to pre-empt the Bush regime’s plans for war with Iran. The resolution consists of two brief clauses: “No provision of law enacted before the date of the […]

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Federally-Funded Niche-Market Nazis

Federally-Funded Niche-Market Nazis Your Federal Government at work: David Gletty, washed-up Roller Derby performer-turned-agent provocateur, addresses a meeting of the National Socialist Movement.“Remember: Image is important,” David Gletty, leader of the Orlando chapter of the National Socialist Movement, admonished his tiny knot of demonstrators during its February 2006 rally. “We want to stay civilized. Give […]

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Iraqi “Justice” : The Shape of Things To Come

Iraqi “Justice” : The Shape of Things To Come Among the nastiest methods of social control employed by Communist regime was the old “ballot box next to the ration cards” trick. Voters in Soviet-dominated Poland, or in Castro’s Cuba, were perfectly free to cast their vote as they saw fit, but the proximity of the […]

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“True Faith And Allegiance”?

“True Faith And Allegiance”? Entangling alliances: Senator Kyl at this weekend’s meeting of the U.S.-Israeli Joint Parliamentary CommitteeI do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation […]

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Slouching Toward Martial Law

Slouching Toward Martial Law Finally, about five months too late, some “respectable” people are beginning to understand the implications of what happened on October 17, when Bush doodled his signature onto two measures that effectively destroyed our republic. The first was the Military Commissions Act, which effectively abolished habeas corpus and laid the foundation for […]

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The Enemy At Their Backs

The Enemy At Their Backs The fundamental perversity of the Bush Regime’s escalation in Iraq isn’t found in the fact that the “surge” reinforces a failed policy. It is that the US troops being sent by Bush into Iraq are confronting a Sunni insurgency that is being materially aided by the same administration. This is […]

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Will Saudi Arabia Bail Out Bush Again?

Will Saudi Arabia Bail Out Bush Again? The unspoken – or at least rarely spoken – consensus of establishment scholars holds that presidential “greatness” is made manifest in an aggressive disdain for the Constitution. The “great” men who dominate the presidential pantheon — tyrants and usurpers like Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR — ignored the constitutional […]

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Perverts With Power, Revisited

Perverts With Power, Revisited Doug Melvin: Sexual deviant, former Homeland Security commissar — or do I repeat myself? For those frequently sentenced to commercial air travel, few things are less welcome than the following thought: The taxpayer-fed Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at the airport security checkpoint could be a petty thief or a sexual deviant. […]

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The Scum Also Rises

The Scum Also Rises Those are supposed to go on beneath your slacks, idiot.Sewage, like water, seeks its own level. A suitable illustration of this principle is found in the recent agreement between the Homeland Security Department’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division and Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County. Doubtless there are many […]

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Beltway Conservatism: The Diaper Dangles

Beltway Conservatism: The Diaper Dangles There are occasions when Washington reminds me of a overstuffed diaper that has grown dangerously pendulous because of parental inattention. At any second – in response to any random gyration of the blissfully oblivious toddler wearing it – the nappy may over-stress its fasteners, releasing to public inspection the malodorous […]

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National ID: Wearing the State’s Brand

National ID: Wearing the State’s Brand Rudy Giuliani — the Stasi Years? Not quite: It’s Capt. Gerd Wiesler (Ulrich Mühe) of the East German Ministry for State Security in the recent film “The Lives of Others.”Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle […]

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The Right to Resist

The Right to Resist John Coffin heard his wife Cynthia screaming. After racing to the garage, he saw her prone, agonized form pinned to the floor by two armed strangers who had violated the sanctity of his home. Despite the fact that he was an unarmed, 55-year-old heart patient, Coffin did the right thing: He […]

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The Terrorists Among Us

The Terrorists Among Us “If it were up to me, I’d line ’em all up against a wall and shoot them.”Such was the sentiment expressed by one of Richard Yancey’s supervisors during his brief and robustly unpleasant stint as a collection officer for the Internal Revenue Service. Yancey has recounted his experiences in exquisitely revolting […]

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The Treason Called “Executive Privilege”

The Treason Called “Executive Privilege” The execution of King Charles I: How Parliament disposed of that tyrant’s claims of “executive privilege” “Treason is a matter of dates,” insisted Talleyrand, who despite being a physical cripple was ideologically double-jointed and thus (unlike many of his revolutionary comrades) was able to keep his head attached to its […]

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The Military Commission and the “Monster” Washington Made

The Military Commission and the “Monster” Washington Made At left: Hicks as a volunteer for the “Kosovo Liberation Army” in 1999 — when the terrorist group was an ally of Washington in its war on Yugoslavia. David Hicks, the Australian national who inexplicably became a convert to Jihad-centered Islam, is the first person to be […]

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“I Am Kerik!” What We Can Learn from Giuliani’s Buddy Bernie

“I Am Kerik!” What We Can Learn from Giuliani’s Buddy Bernie Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do. Rudy Giuliani, 1994(Thanks to Anthony Gregory for the tip on that quote.)Political criticism is our enemy’s […]

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Will Grigg

Will Grigg (1963–2017), the former Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute, was an independent, award-winning investigative journalist and author. He authored six books, most recently his posthumous work, No Quarter: The Ravings of William Norman Grigg.

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