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From Liberty to Force

From Liberty to Force Thought Criminals: Mark and Deborah Kuhn display the “desecrated” flag that provided the pretext for their arrest. “[America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend […]

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The Coldest Monster, The Cruelest Slavemaster

The Coldest Monster, The Cruelest Slavemaster Abigail Burroughs, seen here before cancer ravaged her body, died at age 21 after pleading unsuccessfully to use a promising drug called Erbitux, then in final clinical trials but not yet approved by the FDA. Months after Abigail’s death, the FDA granted approval amid geysers of self-laudatory praise for […]

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The Padilla Precedent

The Padilla Precedent “From this point on, you will enjoy no privileges of rank… no privileges of person. From now on, I will refer to you only as ‘human.’ You have no other identity.” I have no way of knowing whether that pronouncement, or something very much like it, was uttered by Jose Padilla’s captors […]

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Our Ripening Reich

Our Ripening Reich George W. Bush’s chief delinquency as Chief Executive, according to Philip Atkinson, is leniency. He has been too indulgent of the masses and their delicate moral sensibilities, which would be offended by the spectacle of blood and horror that is necessary to pacify Mesopotamia and terrify the Islamic world into acquiescence.At the […]

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Briefly Considered: Red Phoenix Rising?

Briefly Considered: Red Phoenix Rising? Item: “According to a poll last month by the Moscow-based Levada Center, 54 percent of Russians between 16 and 19 believe Stalin was `a wise leader,’ and a similar number thought the collapse of the Soviet Union was `a tragedy.’ (Two thirds also thought that America was a `rival and […]

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They’ll “Find A Reason” To Lock You Up

They’ll “Find A Reason” To Lock You Up “Checkpoint Charlie,” the notorious gateway to Communist East Germany. Germany is now united, and Soviet-style checkpoints are now common in the U.S. “You better stop runnin’ your mouth, or the other officer will find a reason to lock you up tonight.”In those words, recorded by Missouri resident […]

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Amerika, 2007

Amerika, 2007 “Freeway Blogging”: A problematic but inventive method of political protest. Jonas Phillips is the third resident of Asheville, North Carolina to be arrested in recent weeks for displaying a pro-impeachment sign.Unlike Mark and Deborah Kuhn, who were targeted for official abuse because of a display erected on their own property, Phillips was arrested […]

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Patriotism vs. Nationalism

Patriotism vs. Nationalism “That’s what they, they start when you’re young, y’know. When you’re little they, at school they, they Baden-Powell all the boys and they Betty Crocker all the girls and they, then they air condition ya’ and put ya’ in the Heat N’ Bake Oven and ya’ can’t breathe any more.” Jerry Fletcher, […]

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Mitt Romney and the Teen Torture Industry

Mitt Romney and the Teen Torture Industry George Romney’s presidential ambitions were scuttled by his infamous remark that he had been “brainwashed” about Vietnam. It is to be hoped that Mitt Romney’s statement that he wants to “double Guantanamo” will prove similarly fatal to his presidential bid:As I’ve pointed out before, Romney’s credentials as a […]

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The Last Full Measure … Of Murderous Opportunism

The Last Full Measure … Of Murderous Opportunism An armored vehicle patrols “liberated” Fallujah. “If the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in battle, shall join together at the latter day and cry all ‘We died at such […]

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September 11, 1857

September 11, 1857 “You guys do know what that movie is about, don’t you?” inquired the friendly young lady in the admissions booth as Korrin and I bought tickets to see September Dawn.”Yes, of course,” I replied, a twinge of puzzlement creasing my care-worn brow. “Are you required to offer a disclaimer of some sort […]

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Illegal Immigration, Past and Present: An Exercise in Thinking Out Loud

Illegal Immigration, Past and Present: An Exercise in Thinking Out Loud A Border Patrol Agent detains 12 Mexican nationals apprehended near Sells, Arizona. Smuggled into the U.S. by a Coyote, the Mexicans shared a single canteen.”Wherever there’s a prohibition, there’s a bootlegger” — James Burnham, “Burnham’s Laws,” No. 5.Indifferent to borders, the invaders swarmed over […]

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Free Larry Craig!

Free Larry Craig! Jose Luis Vela of Alton, Texas stands accused of sexually assaulting two men during parties at his house. On the strength of criminal complaints from the two alleged victims, Vela was arrested, and investigators from the Sheriff’s Department “searched his home and office for evidence that would corroborate witness statements,” reported local […]

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“To Punish and Enslave”

“To Punish and Enslave” The Cult of Nationalism Punishes a Patriot: Mark Kuhn, the fellow on the ground with his hands cuffed behind his back as his wife looks on in disbelief, offended the tender sensibilities of local jingoists by flying the American flag upside down. Note the arrogant, triumphalist posture of the enforcement officer […]

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The Highway to Serfdom

The Highway to Serfdom A state-organized mob led by a Chekist (secret policeman) calls for the extermination of “kulak” farmers in Soviet Ukraine during the early 1930s.”[T]he theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.” — Marx and Engels, The Communist ManifestoAnastasio Prieto, a truck driver from […]

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No Duty To Retreat (Updated and corrected)

No Duty To Retreat (Updated and corrected) The Colonial Minuteman: Proud symbol of the right to lethal self-defense against abusive government agents.A year ago, the State of Michigan enacted a law stipulating that individuals can properly use deadly force to defend themselves or others when confronted by an assailant threatening imminent death, bodily harm, or […]

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The Chicago Police Department: A Perpetual Crime Wave

The Chicago Police Department: A Perpetual Crime Wave Police as street gang — fiction: The murderous, amoral Det. Vic Mackey and his Strike Team crew from the F/X drama The Shield. For the reality, see Jerome Finnigan and his outfit from Chicago’s Special Operations Section (below left).“So I’m walking down the street and I was […]

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(Update 6) Carol Anne Gotbaum: Victim Of Death By Government

(Update 6) Carol Anne Gotbaum: Victim Of Death By Government Thanks to Jerri Lynn Ward, J.D., I’ve been given a link to the Phoenix PD report on Carol Anne Gotbaum’s arrest, detention, and death. [See the fourth update below]These three things I know for sure:*I am not of Scandinavian ancestry.*There is no difference between “good” […]

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The Crandon Massacre (UPDATED)

The Crandon Massacre (UPDATED) Aftermath in Crandon, Wisconsin: The police arrive to draw the chalk outlines following a lethal rampage by one of their own that killed six young people and left another critically wounded.Seven young people, all of them legal minors, were victims of firearms violence on Sunday morning in the hamlet of Crandon, […]

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Will Grigg

Will Grigg (1963–2017), the former Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute, was an independent, award-winning investigative journalist and author. He authored six books, most recently his posthumous work, No Quarter: The Ravings of William Norman Grigg.

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