Donor Matching Funds Announced!

A generous donor has offered to match all contributions dollar-for-dollar for the next $10,000 raised, doubling the impact of your donation and helping us reach our fundraising goal faster.

$11,865 of $60,000 raised


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A Former Hammer’s Lament: It’s No Fun to be the Nail

Sunday, June 8, 2014 A Former Hammer’s Lament: It’s No Fun to be the Nail Sandy, Utah resident Mark Shurtleff was thousands of miles away when he received the news that his son and daughter had joined the ever-growing ranks of Americans whose homes have been violated, and families have been terrorized, by SWAT raids.  […]

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What This Is All About

What This Is All About For those who have found their way here, greetings! This forum will serve as a revival or continuation of “Will Grigg’s Birch Blog,” which has met an untimely and unwarranted demise.Consigned to an inauspicious and inaccessible corner of the web, the Birch Blog has been condemned to a slow death […]

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Onward, Statist Soldiers!

Onward, Statist Soldiers! The glad tidings have resounded from the talk radio minarets and Mega-Church madrassas of the Bushi’ite Right: All praise our Dear Leader (peace be upon him) for his bold and noble act in “protecting” San Diego’s Mount Soledad War Memorial.A more honest description of Bush’s act would be: Staging a federal land-grab […]

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The Next Waco (part one of an irregular series)

The Next Waco (part one of an irregular series) Whatever it is that causes charisma, Warren Jeffs, the fugitive Prophet of the Fundamentalist Latter-day Saints (FLDS) Church, seems to have isolated the antidote.Jeffs is a lanky nebbish who looks a bit like Rick Moranis, minus the raw animal magnetism that makes the “Ghostbusters” actor an […]

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Support Your Local Police (State)?!?

Support Your Local Police (State)?!? Roughly a dozen years ago, my colleagues and I at The New American magazine (please subscribe) published a seminal special issue entitled “Toward A Police State.” At the time of its publication, less than a year had passed since the Waco holocaust, and the Clinton administration was moving quickly to […]

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Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) I would be very interested to hear from current and former law enforcement officers about this documentary from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), a group seeking to end the “War on Drugs.” [Note: please click on the boxed area to view the video; as an Unfrozen Caveman Blogger the technology […]

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Why Not a Dozen Planets (or More)? (Updated Aug. 23)

Why Not a Dozen Planets (or More)? (Updated Aug. 23) Commentators not otherwise noted for interest in celestial matters, or for devotion to long-established conventions, are performing cadenzas of alarm over the prospect of expanding the Solar System’s roster of planets to an even dozen … so far.[UPDATE — Here’s a piece from the New […]

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The Madness That Is “War Patriotism”

The Madness That Is “War Patriotism” John Witmer’s lifeless body was returned to the tiny town of Colombiana, Pennsylvania on October 10, 1918. Those gathered to receive the 21-year-old’s mortal remains included his father Dan, his siblings, and his would-be fiancee, Nola, all of whom were members of a local Mennonite community.Like thousands of others […]

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The Fatal Embrace, Revisited

The Fatal Embrace, Revisited While chatting several years ago with my good friend Bob Unger — a talented and passionate man blessed with weapons-grade wit and a total lack of inhibitions in dealing with ignorant people – the conversation turned, as it often does for us, to the subject of Judaism. An Orthodox Jew from […]

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Free Janet Gregory!

Free Janet Gregory! Ladies and gentlemen, behold the face of the internal enemy from whom the heroic Feds are gallantly protecting us.69-year-old Janet Gregory, during a flight from Cleveland, committed the supposed crime of cleaning and polishing her nails en route to Charlotte, North Carolina last Friday. How she had managed to smuggle the contraband […]

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The Hive Mind

The Hive Mind Utah is “the most culturally communistic society I’m aware of in the English-speaking world,” commented Michael Humiston, a brilliant family rights attorney who lives in Heber City.That’s a remarkable assessment coming from a politically conservative man who was born and raised in Utah as an active Mormon (albeit one who — last […]

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Will Grigg’s Birch Blog — The Lost Episodes

Will Grigg’s Birch Blog — The Lost Episodes A brief preface is in order. On June 22, I published a Birch Blog entitled “Phony Immigration Debate vs. Real Police State Threat.” Within hours it had been, um, misplaced, and never appeared in that space again — even though it had been forwarded throughout the Blogosphere, […]

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What The Regime Does to “Great Americans”

What The Regime Does to “Great Americans” Since the group has an absolute or totalist vision of truth, those who are not in the group are bound up in evil, are not enlightened, are not saved, and do not have the right to exist…. One outside the group may always receive their right of existence […]

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Will Grigg

Will Grigg (1963–2017), the former Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute, was an independent, award-winning investigative journalist and author. He authored six books, most recently his posthumous work, No Quarter: The Ravings of William Norman Grigg.

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