War on Drugs, Steel Man

War on Drugs, Steel Man

The “Steel Man” tactic is the opposite of the “Straw Man” tactic in an argument. The latter is a tactic in which one misrepresents an opponents argument and then attacks that misrepresentation. An example of this in regard to the War on Drugs, following the theme of last week’s article, goes like this: Person A: “We should abolish the War on Drugs, fully legalize all drugs. Prohibition only leads to a black market, which breeds violence. Person B: “You think we should tell our children that drugs are okay and encourage our youth to use them? Without the War on Drugs in place, our kids will...

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Wall Talk

Wall Talk

There’s a lot of Wall talk going on these days, but both political sides’ proposed solutions would seem to make everyone in this country less free. Is there a way to address these border issues in a way that would increase personal freedom instead? Looking at each sides’ argument objectively could leave one to become very confused. There are great points on both sides of this debate: One Side Says something like: “You can’t have a welfare state and open borders, because people will flock here and suck up all of our resources. It’s unsustainable!” While the other side says things like: “They...

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