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Two Sets of 100 yr Periods in American History — Each Guided by Completely Opposite Ideas

Two Sets of 100 yr Periods in American History — Each Guided by Completely Opposite Ideas

The great Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises wrote: "History is a struggle between two principles, the peaceful principle, which advances the development of trade, and the militarist-imperialist principle, which interprets human society not as a friendly division of labour but as the forcible repression of some of its members by others." America was founded on the peaceful principle. The country's first President, George Washington, said in his farewell address: "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world". This policy, which can be...

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When The Illusions Are Shattered

When The Illusions Are Shattered

Whenever you see a big government, or worse, a big government that sets out to be an empire, you know that people have messed up -- BIG TIME! The wrong road has been taken. Big government politicians (and everyone that believes them) have to inhale and exhale a constant stream of lies. That's the only way that big governments can sustain themselves. That's why you've heard Ron Paul repeat over-and-over that "Truth is treason in an empire of lies." So today, since the U.S. federal government has become the biggest government to ever exist in mankind's history, it follows perfectly that...

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The Endless Propaganda To Keep The Endless Wars Going

The Endless Propaganda To Keep The Endless Wars Going

Americans have been voting for peace candidates for decades. One of the surest ways to become president in America is to promise that you'll put an end to the endless wars. George W. Bush did it ... Obama did it ... and so did Trump. Yet, despite the empty promises and Nobel Peace Prizes, neither Bush, nor Obama delivered. They expanded the forever wars with reckless abandon. While President Trump is still in the thick of it, he has made a very bold move to remove 1,000 American troops from Syria. The propaganda against Trump's decision has been immense. The desire to keep the endless...

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Assessing Presidential Actions – From A Libertarian Perspective

Assessing Presidential Actions – From A Libertarian Perspective

It should be apparent to everyone by now that collectivist thinking is running wild and identity politics is en vogue. ​You’re supposed to hate Trump because one group says so, or you’re supposed to love Trump because another group says so. But to the libertarian individual, this means nothing. It really doesn't matter what type of thinking happens to be en vogue. To the advocate of liberty, there is a simple test when analyzing one's own actions, as well as the actions of others -- Is the action peaceful? Or is coercion being used by one individual against another? The libertarian believes...

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Let’s Adopt The U.S. Naval Policy of 1890

Back in 1890, the U.S. Naval Policy Board said in a report: “We fear no encroachments on our territory, nor are we tempted at present to encroach on that of others. We have no colonies, nor any desire to acquire them.” First, let's discuss the aspect of the statement that has not changed one iota since 1890: We fear no encroachments on our territory In 2017, we can say the exact same statement with total confidence. No state on the planet has any interest in conquering America. No one is interested in ruling over our WalMart/McDonald's society. No one is interested in taking over Washington...

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Let's Adopt The U.S. Naval Policy of 1890

Back in 1890, the U.S. Naval Policy Board said in a report: “We fear no encroachments on our territory, nor are we tempted at present to encroach on that of others. We have no colonies, nor any desire to acquire them.” First, let's discuss the aspect of the statement that has not changed one iota since 1890: We fear no encroachments on our territory In 2017, we can say the exact same statement with total confidence. No state on the planet has any interest in conquering America. No one is interested in ruling over our WalMart/McDonald's society. No one is interested in taking over Washington...

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Mr. President: Close Down More ‘Advisory Councils’

So President Trump closed down his "Manufacturing Council" and no one cheered? What a shame. Why was there a "Manufacturing Council" to begin with? It's not the job of the president to meddle with our economy. His job description says nothing about benefiting "manufactures" or "scientists" or "Silicon Valley" or anyone else. These "Councils" are breeding grounds for the cronyism that has virtually destroyed the American Dream. If a CEO has the ear of the president, do you think he's going to "advise" the president to do anything that will hurt his own business? On the other hand, would the...

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Mr. President: Close Down More 'Advisory Councils'

So President Trump closed down his "Manufacturing Council" and no one cheered? What a shame. Why was there a "Manufacturing Council" to begin with? It's not the job of the president to meddle with our economy. His job description says nothing about benefiting "manufactures" or "scientists" or "Silicon Valley" or anyone else. These "Councils" are breeding grounds for the cronyism that has virtually destroyed the American Dream. If a CEO has the ear of the president, do you think he's going to "advise" the president to do anything that will hurt his own business? On the other hand, would the...

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