When states cooperate, we all lose. The one saving feature of the Southwest Border is that Mexico has let people—and their stuff—cross freely into Mexico. Just walk across or drive across—up until now. The overarching empire now thinks that Mexico needs to up its game and more fully partake in the process of stealing from and crushing the humans. It has been incremental. Several years ago, DHS started defying “legality” by quietly and randomly searching people leaving the U.S. going into Mexico. Now it is a semi-permanent fixture with dedicated areas for “southbound searches.” Seizures...
Christianity vs Christendom
Different individuals and sects claiming the label of “Christian” fall on different points on the scale when defining their faith as personal or societal. Some see their brethren’s reciprocal, collective affirmations and acceptance into shared rituals as essential to their own personal Christian status. Others see only the personal relationship with God as the essential factor. Some embrace a Christianity that acts on a united front to achieve group goals while others see Christianity as a walk of personal discipleship amongst others who may be different in their beliefs and actions. Why...
Warmongers and Fern Feelers Unite!
The neocon bomb-dropping right and the anti-human left have both been death advocates trying to use the state to destroy mankind in their own disparate ways -- up until now. Wonder of wonders, they now feel no moral confusion when they are wedded in the latest plunder-funded DOD scheme to put private property under government control for the benefit of the military and the bugs. This wonderful multi-million dollar program dispenses glee to a range of political adversaries by promising to keep people from developing their land so that military drones -- and non-human living creatures -- will...
The Market for Lies
You have heard it said, “Believe the opposite of whatever the government says.” Many think of this statement as humorous, but as something that seems strangely and inexplicably true. This truth of this maxim is actually a demonstrable fact. The free market assesses desires and needs. It then provides voluntary solutions in a very efficient manner. The state, utilizing coercive funding methods, has to push something that is not needed; something that people won’t pay for voluntarily. Those who most effectively push the theft-funded goods and services are rewarded with promotions and more tax...
Personal Philosophy Numeric Code
I have often thought it would be beneficial to have a number code that could be used as a shortcut to discern personal beliefs when interacting with my fellow man. It would save a lot of time. I could scan a crowd and throw out winks and knowing glances. I wouldn’t get the four digits tattooed on my arm, but I might wear them on a name patch at a conference to help people understand who I am. For example, I could write the “1111” under my name when I attend a liberty-themed conference so that people could know that I am “one of those guys.” Or, I might ask a guy’s number on-line before...
Wounded Knee Redux?
The leadership of the Tohono O’odham peoples is opposed to Donald Trump’s border wall. The tribe’s historic homelands lie in the U.S. and Mexico and include 75 miles of U.S. – Mexico border. Their U.S. land holdings consist of 2.8 million acres in Arizona. Tribal vice chairman Verlon Jose stated this week that Trump’s border wall will be built on his tribe’s border homeland, “over my dead body.” Jose indicated that his tribe has crisscrossed the border lands longer than recorded history and that any wall impeding the tribe’s movement (across what is called the U.S. – Mexico border by...