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Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

News Roundup

News Roundup 5/13/19

US News Trump nominates Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan to take over the position permanently. [Link] Body cam footage shows an Oklahoma police officer shot a 14-year-old boy without giving him time to comply with orders. The boy possibly had a toy gun....

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News Roundup 5/9/19

A Florida city is attempting to seize the home of an elderly man who let his grass get too long while he was caring for his dying mother. [Link] The US lifts sanctions on a Venezuelan general who defected. [Link] A deputy of Juan Guaido was arrested by the Venezuelan...

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News Roundup 5/9/19

Russiagate US and foreign intelligence worked to interfere in the Trump campaign. [Link]    The Mueller Report allows readers to look past the no collusion finding and hold on to the Russiagate conspiracy theory. [Link] US Foreign Policy Danny Sjursen: the Left needs...

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News Roundup 5/8/19

US News Scott Ritter breaks down some lies told by Joe Biden told about Iraqi WMDs. [Link] Trump is asking for another $4.5 billion to enforce immigration law. [Link] Trump signs an executive order to fill 300,000 government cybersecurity jobs. [Link] The Pentagon...

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News Roundup 5/7/19

US News A St. Louis police officer has been charged with second-degree assault for shooting a woman instead of tasing her. [Link] Some Utah jails are charging over $11 for a 15-minute phone call. The high rate makes it difficult for prisoners to stay in contact with...

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News Roundup 5/6/19

Military A Green Beret is attempting to sue the government for failing to diagnose his cancer. The long-standing Feres Doctrine prevents service members from suing the government. [Link] The VA opposes bills that would make it easier for vets to access medical...

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News Roundup 5/3/19

US News Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity explain why the extradition of Julian Assange is an attack on all of us. [Link] Some non-citizen military vets are being deported. [Link] F-35s are grounded 30% of the time because the planes are missing spare...

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News Roundup 5/2/19

Immigration The Pentagon expects to send about 300 more troops to the border. [Link] Trump proposes having asylum seekers pay an application fee. [Link] US Foreign Policy Biden’s campaign says he opposes continuing US support for Saudi in the Yemeni War. Biden was...

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News Roundup 5/1/19

Russiagate Phil Giraldi explains how the deep state worked against Trump. [Link] Larry Johnson details the FBI informants that appear in the Mueller Report. [Link] Venezuela The US sanctions Venezuela’s foreign minister. [Link] Juan Guaido attempted to overthrow...

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News Roundup 4/30/19

US News Ron Rosenstein resigns as Deputy Attorney General. Trump nominates Jeffrey Rosen to fill the post. [Link] A young man got swept up in a mass RICO gang bust and sentenced to 22 months in prison. They accused him of selling pot based on some texts between him...

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News Roundup 4/29/19

2020 Brittany Hunter breaks down Job Biden’s terrible history on criminal justice policy. [Link] The DNC Chair says we are at war with Russia. [Link] US News More than 12,000 individuals associated with the Boy Scouts have been identified as victims of sexual abuse....

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News Roundup 4/26/19

US News The FBI and IRS search the home and office of Baltimore’s mayor. [Link] A Georgian businessman claims he was misrepresented in the Mueller report. [Link] A US soldier dies in Iraq. His death is being reported as a non-combat fatality. [Link] Instagram blocks...

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