Conflicts of Interest

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US Gaza Pier Could Be Operational By Weekend

Unnamed officials said the floating pier and causeway that Washington hopes to use to bring aid into Gaza could be completed by Friday with aid deliveries beginning Saturday. The development comes as the cost of the pier has nearly doubled, and Defense Secretary...


Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

News Roundup

News Roundup 9/19/18

The Space Force will cost $13 billion over the first five years. [Link] The US will not permit Canadians who work in the legal marijuana industry to enter the US. Customs and Border Patrol plan to continue to enforce marijuana laws forcefully. [Link] Trump imposes new...

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News Roundup 9/14/18

The US budget deficit is $898 billion over the past 11 months. [Link] The State Department approves a $2.6 billion weapon sale to South Korea. [Link] The State Department pushed Twitter to ban an Iraqi politician. [Link] Two Russians charged by the UK of poisoning of...

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News Roundup 9/13/18

A stockpile of one million bottles of water was revealed in Puerto Rico. FEMA did not distribute the water as people suffered after Hurricane Maria. [Link] The US hostility towards Russia and China is pushing the two powers closer together. [Link] Fighting between...

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News Roundup 9/12/18

Trump and Kim Jong Un are planning a second meeting. [Link] A new citizenship program in India deprives about 4 million Muslim Indians of citizenship. [Link] At least 68 have been killed by a suicide bombing in Afghanistan. [Link] Taliban officials say they are ready...

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News Roundup 9/11/18

17 years after 9/11 al-Qaeda may be stronger than ever. [Link] John Bolton says the US may sanction the International Criminal Court if it prosecutes the US. [Link] The Taliban killed 29 Afghan troops in attacks on Saturday. [Link] On Sunday the Taliban began...

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News Roundup 9/7/18

James Bovard explains John McCain's foreign policy combined bombing with wishful thinking. [LInk] US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley says Nicaragua is following the path of Syria and Venezuela. [Link] Turkey opens an embassy in Paraguay. This move follows Paraguay's...

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News Roundup 9/6/18

Danny Sjursen explains why the courage of US soldiers is not enough to win wars. [Link] Trump will chair a UN Security Council meeting on Iran. [Link] The UK announces two Russians are suspects in the poisoning of the Skripals. [Link] Moon of Alabama identifies...

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News Roundup 9/5/18

Arizona's governor selects former Senator Jon Kyl to fill John McCain's Senate seat. [Link] Aaron Mate argues Russiagate myths with James Risen. [Link] The US warns Israel not to attack Iranian targets in Iraq. [Link] US sanctions against Iran are starting to reduce...

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News Roundup 9/4/18

The US and Russia block a UN proposal to ban autonomous killer robots. [Link] The US is considering sending more weapons to Ukraine. [Link] The leader of the Ukrainian separatists was killed in a bombing. [Link] Eric Margolis on the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya in...

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News Roundup 9/3/18

A Colorado journalist was detained for filming police. The police officers will not face charges for wrongly detaining the journalist. [Link] Brian Saady explains the fallibility of forensic science. [Link] Ray McGovern explains how Senator Burr covered up CIA...

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News Roundup 8/30/18

Gareth Porter explains how DHS misled Americans to believe that Russia hacked state voter sites. [Link] A Texas police officer was convicted of murder and receive a sentence of 15 years. The officer opened fire on a car full of people moving away from the officer....

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News Roundup 8/29/18

Max Blumenthal on the dark legacy of John McCain. [Link] Peter Van Buren on the Tweets that got him banned from Twitter. [Link] The judge in the case of Guantanamo Bay detainees being tried for crimes related to 9/11 retires. [Link] Doug Bandow argues against military...

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