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Hollywood Hasbara

Hollywood Hasbara

With its Ernest Gold score enhancing its cinematic majesty, the 1960 film Exodus tells you point blank that it’s an epic motion picture, a religious story of great myth and significance and a cast who depict historical figures in a dramatic way that transcends flesh and blood to the silver screen. Ben Hur, with its Charlton Heston-led magnificence, is not a historically accurate film; however, powerful emotion enshrined with belief and faith still makes it a great one. Exodus reaches for this same level, and sanctions the State of Israel in a manner that helped to establish the modern truth...

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Anti-War Blog – Be Proud

Anti-War Blog – Be Proud

Proud mother come and see what your soldier sons are doing, see them search crying children who no longer can walk the streets to go from home to school. They kidnap little boys, to torture or imprison. Maybe they shatter their arms and send them on their way. Cry for your soldier boys when they come home to you, ironed uniforms, medals and ribbons but gone are their child like eyes replaced by the killers gaze. Your soldier sons chose government over his own mum. Proud father can you see your sons courage, as they fight civilians who throw stones and pick up the gun. They blow to pieces...

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Information Isolation from Down Under

Information Isolation from Down Under

"Misinformation and disinformation pose a serious threat to the safety and wellbeing of Australians, as well as to our democracy, society and economy”– Communications Minister Michelle Rowland The Australian government is looking to further control speech and information online, deciding what its citizens may consume through stricter social media laws. The proposal is that social media platforms will be fined 5% of their global revenue should undesired posts or information be seen by Australians. This in conjunction with a South Australian ban on children under fourteen from social media....

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Anti-War Blog – The Powerful and the Powerless

Anti-War Blog – The Powerful and the Powerless

There is an indecency in forcing someones home open, to be pillaged, then celebrating in such behaviour by showing of what was found. Personal items. Men, relishing in the intimate secrets of a woman. Lingerie and other personal apparel to be strewn and displayed for a voyeurs gaze. A final victory of indignity that the powerful express over those who are ruled and dominated. Among the mass murder and starvation we witnessed more viral footage of Israeli soldiers parading their victims lingerie as an expression of victory in Palestine. The former owner of the lingerie, either dead or living,...

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Pragmatic Genocide

Pragmatic Genocide

The lesser of two or many evils is a line of reasoning that tends to favor the status quo. It compromises principles and human dignity to a point where we are made to understand the benefits of injustice and less freedom. We are told, it could always be worse. If one ruler is a better option than another, the compromise is that we should be ruled, but by a less bad gang of murderous thieves. Such pragmatic reasoning can also expand to acts of mass murder; a genocide is a lesser evil in particular contexts. For those who consider themselves principled, it can be a seduction to drop their...

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Anti-War Blog – A Razz Through X

Anti-War Blog – A Razz Through X

I log onto X (formerly Twitter) for the first time in awhile. The news feed is aghast with Trump vs Harris post debate ‘analysis’ and ‘9/11’ ‘evidence’ and memes. The Truther stuff, central bankers planned the sinking of the Titanic sort of thing. The usual George Bush or Mossad and perhaps alien reptiles detonated the towers and Pentagon. It was an insurance scam while Bush kept reading with the little kids. Among them are strewn accounts of comedy memes and rage bait to invoke racial or partisan hate. Then I see an account I actually follow, Dave DeCamp re-posting an Antiwar.com article...

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Movie Bob’d

Movie Bob’d

In the time just before the rise of Pewidepie as the most popular YouTuber there were the angry and nostalgic reviewers. The Angry Video Game Nerd formally Nintendo, Nostalgia Critic, Spoonyone, Cinemasnob and so on all were prominent on the platform. Mostly in their homes putting together reviews with skits that either missed or hit, while inventing characters to make a point. In that age the intended audience was not little children but rather teens and adults. Some of the reviewers became famous enough to inspire copy cats, or motivate others to take up the webcam and angrily criticise a...

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Shut It Down

Shut It Down

The recent protests in Bangladesh have led to another example of a national government shutting down the internet and telecommunications. The Bangladeshi government claimed that the shutdown was implemented to stop misinformation. In 2023 the internet was shut down in Libya after a natural disaster to prevent criticism of the local authorities and their response to the emergency. At this time, thirty-nine nations across the world at some time have shut down the internet for one reason or the other. What was once a speculative concept has now become a practice that will soon be accepted. The...

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