Drones Run Amok

Drones Run Amok

Drones, drones, everywhere drones. For a few weeks, clusters of drones of unknown provenance were recently seen flying in the skies above New Jersey. Local, state, and federal authorities claimed that they did not know whose drones they were. The expression “baseless conspiracy theory” saw an uptick in usage once again as some in the media scoffed at the proliferating hypotheses about what was going on. Incoming U.S. president Donald Trump opined that the machines should be shot down, but the Joe Biden administration did not agree, lending significant support to the simplest hypothesis of...

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Free Speech: The Sine Qua Non of Democracy

Free Speech: The Sine Qua Non of Democracy

One of the strangest developments in the recent history of Western democratic states has been the heartfelt call by duly elected officials for government censorship of citizens’ speech. This trend has emerged simultaneously across various nations, including the United Kingdom, Australia, and, oddly enough, the United States of America. No one is surprised that tyrants throughout history, who seize power by force, have retained their positions primarily through silencing dissenters and political opponents. The very foundation of democratic states, however, is what the nineteenth-century...

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The Sophistry of State Slaughter

The Sophistry of State Slaughter

Since the Middle Ages, belligerent leaders have taken refuge behind the seductive façade of just war theory according to which what matter above all during wartime are the intentions of the warriors, not the consequences of their actions. When leaders order their troops to drop bombs, they claim to be combating “evil” adversaries. But war culminates in indiscriminate death, destruction, maiming, and misery of both combatants (whether voluntary or conscripted) and noncombatants. When civilians are slaughtered, war supporters tend charitably to forgive and forget what they interpret to have...

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Holocaust – On Behalf of Those Who Died Alone

The tubes connected to my arm are melting. I am surrounded by flames moving closer and closer like an angry mob waving torches above their heads. Except there are no people around. I have been yelling for help at the top of my lungs, but no one can hear me. Or if they do, perhaps they are afraid, like the man who never learned to swim and knows that if he jumps in to save someone drowning, there will be two victims rather than one. And it’s true: I’m not at all sure that anyone can stop this raging conflagration in time to save my life. I thought I was safe in this place. Who would attack a...

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Drone Swarms and the Homicidal Impunity of Governments

Drone Swarms and the Homicidal Impunity of Governments

Drone swarms have been under development for years now, with the usual suspects touting the virtues of the latest and greatest automated technology to be purchased through lucrative government contracts for what are claimed to be purposes of national defense. As the name implies, drone swarms are modeled after the behavior of large groups of birds or insects which move in concert to produce what looks like purposeful action, despite the lack of a conscious intention on the part of any of the individual members of the group. Drones can be programmed to act in tandem to accomplish tasks such...

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Speaking of democracy…

Democracy has been a much discussed topic of late, what with the separation of President Joe Biden from his delegates only weeks before the upcoming Democratic party convention, to be held in Chicago from August 19 to 22, 2024. There have been brokered conventions in history before, but will Vice President Kamala Harris secure the Democratic party's presidential nomination after entirely bypassing the primary process and receiving not a single vote from the electorate? Only time will tell. Right before the DNC palace coup, and just after the attempt on former President Trump's life, Alex...

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Julian Assange’s Deal With the Devil

Julian Assange’s Deal With the Devil

After five years of incarceration in Belmarsh high-security prison, having already spent seven years in political asylum—what was tantamount to house arrest in the Ecuadorian embassy—Julian Assange was finally permitted by the British government to return to his homeland of Australia. The deal Assange made with the U.S. government to end its extradition quest and thereby secure his release can be viewed in one of two ways. On its face, the deal required that Assange “confess” to a felony which he did not commit, accepting a sentence of prison time already served. The second way of...

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Parody of a Statesman: Antony Blinken, Secretary of War

Parody of a Statesman: Antony Blinken, Secretary of War

For Halloween last year, the United States’ highest ranked diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, dressed his son and daughter up as Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky and the Ukrainian flag, respectively. At a White House event on that day, Blinken’s children were photographed soliciting candy from President Joe Biden. Meanwhile, Zelensky himself had been doing his usual media circuit, appearing progressively more desperate to extract a fresh supply of “candy” from U.S. taxpayers by way of their nonrepresentative elected officials, most of whom, it would seem, have little if any...

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