Liberty at the Movies: Vice

Liberty at the Movies: Vice

Vice tells the story of how Richard Chaney went from being expelled from Yale and drinking and fighting in his spare time to becoming the most influential Vice-President in history. Written and directed by Adam McKay who also directed The Big Short, Vice employs the same techniques that made The Big Short one of, if not the, best movies to address the 2008 financial crisis. Like the Big Short, Vice uses a short entertaining vignette to explain complex concepts. The film also has an excellent cast, starting with Christian Bale as Dick Cheney and Amy Adams as Liz Cheney (who the film portrays...

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Every Day’s a Gift

Every Day’s a Gift

“Every day’s a gift” was Congressman Walter Jones’ response when asked how he was doing. It was a reflection of his Christian faith, a faith that informed his politics and his life. Congressman Jones passed away this Sunday on his 76th birthday, after being placed in hospice care following a fall. His passing is a great loss to the country and to the cause of peace and liberty. Elected to Congress in 1994, he first came to national prominence as the leader of the effort to get the House of Representatives' cafeterias to rename french fries “freedom fries” to protest France’s opposition to...

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This Week in Congress

This Week in Congress

The most important vote of the week will be the Senate vote on the nomination of William Barr for Attorney General. The vote is expected later this week, so Campaign for Liberty supporters should call their Senators and tell them to oppose William Barr for Attorney General. The House will vote on H.J.Res 37, which invokes the War Powers Act to end US military involvement in the Yemen civil war. Campaign for Liberty members should call their Representatives and tell them to vote for H.J.Res 37. Congress also has until midnight Friday to pass legislation funding the majority of the federal...

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This Week in Congress

This Week in Congress: Hearing Edition

While there may not be that much excitement on the floor, the House of Representatives will hold a number of significant hearings this week. The House Intelligence Committee will hold its first hearing of the year, but you won’t find out much about it because the hearing is closed to the public. In violation of House rules, the Committee leadership announced the hearing would be closed instead of holding a public vote on whether to close the hearing. The House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on gun safety, by which they mean making law-abiding citizens less safe by taking away our...

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This Week in Congress

This Week in Congress

Well the longest shutdown in history is over . . . for now. Last Friday, the Senate and House passed legislation ending the government shutdown until February 15. The Senate passed it by unanimous consent so there is no roll-call vote. Here is the roll-call vote from the House. The bill passed by a vote of 231-180, with 179 Republicans voting no. New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the only Democrat to vote no. She voted no because she refuses to vote for any bill that funds the Immigration Custom Enforcement (ICE) agency. Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee was...

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William Barr: Enemy of the Constitution?

William Barr: Enemy of the Constitution?

The Senate Judiciary Committee is holding the second day of hearings on President Trumps nomination of William Barr as Attorney General. Barr previously served as Attorney General for President George H. W.Bush from 1991-1993. Barr has a long history of opposing gun rights and yesterday promised California Senator Diane Feinstein he would enthusiastically support efforts to take away gun rights without due process. During Barr’s tenure he showed himself to be an opponent of civil liberties and a supporter of unlimited executive power. Barr worked with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to...

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Stan Lee versus the censors

Stan Lee versus the censors

Stan “The Man” Lee passed away on November 12 of last year at the age of 94. Lee was for years the main writer of Marvel comics, and he created, or helped create, many of the most iconic characters in comics, including Spiderman, the Hulk, Iron Man, X-Men, Thor, and Captain America. Lee and his team at Marvel were the first to give their heroes world problems. Peter Parker may have been Spiderman, but when not swinging on his web, he faces typical teenage problems. Lee’s characters also clashed with authority figures, including the government. While Superman and Batman were still supporting...

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Massie keeps Congress classie

Massie keeps Congress classie

Or at least tries to keep them honest. . . Last week, Representative Thomas Massie (KY-04) waged a heroic guerrilla campaign to force the House leadership to hold a vote on ending U.S. involvement  in Yemen by forcing roll-call votes on every suspension bill until the House leadership allows a vote on Yemen. Here are some of the suspension bills voted on last week: S. 1158 – establishes a Mass Atrocities Task Force to prevent genocide and establishes a complex crisis fund to prevent or respond to unforeseen and complex foreign crises, including genocide. Here Is the roll-call vote. Only four...

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Norman Singleton

Norman Singleton is currently a Senior Fellow at the Market Institute. Mr. Singleton worked for Congressman Ron Paul from 1997-2012. Mr. Singleton served as Legislative Aide on Education and Workforce issues for Congressman Paul from 1997-2001, when he became Congressman Paul’s Legislative Director, a position he held until Congressman Paul left Congress in 2013. Mr. Singleton also served as volunteer policy director for the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign. Prior to working for Ron Paul, Mr. Singleton worked for the National Right to Work Committee. Mr. Singleton graduated Cum Laude from Washington and Jefferson College with a degree in economics and is a 1991 graduate of the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Law. He is also a founding member of the Republican Liberty Caucus.


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