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Introduction to 2AS

Introduction to 2AS

Do you love flags? Do you love T-shirts? Do you love America and your God-given right to bear arms? Then put down your glass of orange juice and continue reading. We’re about to change your life.

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U.S. Ammo Sales Up 166% in the Two Weeks Following Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

U.S. Ammo Sales Up 166% in the Two Weeks Following Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

March 11th, 2022: On February 24, the Russian Federation launched air attacks on military installations and airports across the nation of Ukraine. This occurred shortly after the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, declared the separatist states of Donbas and Lugansk independent from Ukrainian control and sent his army in to “keep the peace” the day before. Here at Ammo.com, sales have surged for the last two weeks, starting with the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th: 166% increase in revenue 110% increase in transactions 59% increase in site traffic 31% increase in conversion rate...

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American Education: Child Indoctrination, Struggle Sessions and Debt Slavery

  Seemingly overnight, a large segment of America has gone insane. We’re not talking about the culture of paranoia and safety that has metastasized in the wake of COVID-19 hysteria. We’re talking about the ideological shift, particularly on cultural issues, that has occurred since the start of the Obama Administration. To pick an easy example, it would have been fairly uncontroversial even five years ago to say that men should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports, regardless of what they might subjectively “identify as.” And yet, this is now a subject contention across a number...

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