Julie had written an article for her Mystic Sisters substance about her concerns and defense of utilizing yoga stretching as an Orthodox Christian, so I decided to have her back to discuss the pros and cons.
Catching Up with Kyle, Again… Again
Kyle is back
The Political Moment w/Typo
Typo is back to discuss the current political environment, libertarianism, perfect v good, and Trump’s appointments.
Visas For Truckers w/Gord
Gord, famed trucker and writer, is back to discuss the topics surrounding his last couple of stories found on The Blaze and Newsweek. Why is Biden passing out VISAs for truckers? How has deregulation disadvantaged skilled truckers? Is your family more at risk when on the highways?
Politics IS Spiritual Warfare w/Buck Johnson
Buck is back to discuss how we view politics and spirituality since discovering Orthodoxy.
Aesthetics and Frequencies w/Mano Elia
Mano is back to discuss the image of God in the world.
Ideological Capture w/Pete Quinones
Pete is back to discuss the future of the US, ending the Fed, and spiritual warfare.
Nephilim Shit w/Nephilim Death Squad
TopLobsta and Raven joined me to discuss the esoteric, Tucker Carlson being attacked by a demon, and the Bible.