
California Restaurants Demand More Than $100 Million In Liquor, Health Permit Refunds

2020 11 23 08 21

California’s financially battered restaurants filed government claims Monday to recover more than $100 million in fees for liquor and health permits and tourism charges that they say were assessed even though their businesses were shuttered or only partially operating under long-running coronavirus restrictions.

Few businesses have been hit as hard during the COVID-19 pandemic as restaurants, which in California were ordered closed, reopened, closed for a second time and then allowed to welcome customers again, though with restrictions, such as takeout only. Thousands of eateries have closed permanently.

Owners say one thing has remained constant amid the turmoil: State and county governments have continued to charge fees for liquor licenses, health permits and tourism assessments — even though the restaurants were closed down by government order or permitted to operate with limited capacity and dining.

more at LA. Times

Bro History: Understanding the War Industry

Henry Szamota interviews Christian Sorenson from the new Eisenhower Media Network (EMN) on his book Understanding the War Industry.

Christian Sorensen discusses the triangulation of Pentagon, Corporate and Congressional interests at the center of the massive spending on weapons of war and war itself. Through a revolving door, senior military officers retire with generous pensions only to rejoin the threesome on a corporate board, lobbying Congress, or commenting as an expert on the endless wars they officiate. This profitable way of life is a way of death for countless victims of war and a way toward stagflation and bankruptcy for subjects of the state.

Listen here.


Fine By Me

CNN claims: Trump told ally he’s trying to get back at Democrats for questioning legitimacy of his own election.

Good. Fuck them. The Democratic Party should be outlawed for conspiring with the FBI and CIA to frame Trump for treason. They are the traitors to America and the Constitution. And don’t give me Spooner. These people do in fact owe allegiance.

Trump has clearly lost this election, but if he can make the right half of America hate and fear Biden and refuse to accept the legitimacy of his presidency, then that’s just great. Same goes for Harris when he hands it to her in a year or two.

And if Trump actually gets away with somehow getting the states to thwart the election and give it him anyway — an infinitesimally small chance — that would be even better. The Democrats deserve to burn like Branch Davidians for what they’ve done. Watching them cry themselves to death over a Trump “coup” would be just about perfect. Maybe even reason enough to start watching TV again.

And Just Like That, The Culture Changed

I’ve heard some people compare the existence of the TSA (I used this erroneously for a while) to mask wearing, social distancing and lock downs as proof that the people will accept changes that are clearly theater and inconveniences when they are in fear. The problem with that is the average person may only fly once or twice a year. These are “periodic” inconveniences. People like myself who fly often just get TSA pre-check or CLEAR to avoid the indignity of having to deal with the McDonald’s workers “employed” to keep the skies “safe.” But masks, social distancing and lock downs are every day. Some states even want you to wear masks and social distance in your homes. Clearly Americans no longer have a line in the sand.

Back in March I saw this coming and started podcasting about it. By mid-April I said that masks were going to be here until at least July. People said I was crazy. No, I just miscalculated. I had all but forgotten about social distancing as the local grocery store I go to didn’t have signs until very recently. But this is going away after the election, right? And now there is talk of not only more state lock downs but national mandates on all of this. What happened?

What happened was that we found out just how malleable people are when they are in fear. Sure, to some people this is political. But when you see people alone in their cars wearing masks, waiting for you to walk well past their vehicle when they’re waiting to get out in the supermarket parking lot, you realize how real the fear is to them. Those aren’t “Biden democrats,” they’re possessed with anxiety.

For decades the powers that be have sought to figure out how to get the majority of us under their thumb when it comes to our day-to-day lives; to control every aspect of our existence. It took a virus folks. A virus. Now ponder what your neighbors would’ve allowed if this thing was actually as bad as the initial models predicted. Please think hard on that.

It’s A Cancer’: Pompeo Says U.S. Will Brand BDS Antisemetic; Crack Down On It

2020 11 19 07 46

The United States government will formally designate the anti-Israel boycott movement “anti-Semitic” and immediately start cracking down on groups affiliated with it, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Thursday during a visit to Israel, calling BDS a “cancer.”

“Today I want to make one announcement with respect to a decision by the State Department that we will regard the global anti-Israel BDS campaign as anti-Semitic,” he said, standing next to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a joint statement to the press.

“I know this may sound simple to you, Mr. Prime Minister, it seems like a statement of fact, but I want you to know that we will immediately take steps to identify organizations that engage in hateful BDS conduct and withdraw US government support for such groups. The time is right,” Pompeo declared.

At that point, Netanyahu interrupted the US top diplomat’s comments, saying, “It doesn’t sound simple, it sounds simply wonderful.”

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Report: Elite Australian Troops Unlawfully Killed 39 Afghan Civilians Among A “Culture Of Bloodlust”

This is how you get more terrorists.


Canberra, Australia (CNN)Australian elite forces allegedly killed 39 Afghans civilians and prisoners unlawfully in an environment where “blood lust” and “competition killings” were reportedly a norm, according to a long-awaited official report.

Speaking Thursday, chief of the Australian Defense Force Gen. Angus Campbell said there had been a “warrior culture” among some members of Australia’s special forces serving in Afghanistan.

One alleged incident, the details of which have been redacted to protect the identities of those involved, is referred to in the document as “possibly the most disgraceful episode in Australia’s military history.”

The Australian Defense Force’s (ADF) four-year inquiry into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan alleges that some patrol commanders, who were treated as “demigods,” required junior soldiers to shoot prisoners to achieve their first kill, in a process known as “blooding.” The report presents what it says is “credible information” that weapons or handheld radios were then sometimes allegedly placed by a body to make it seem like the person had been killed in action.

None of the 39 alleged unlawful killings happened in the heat of battle, according to the report, and the Afghans who died were non-combatants or no longer combatants.

Campbell “sincerely and unreservedly” apologized to the people of Afghanistan for the conduct alleged in the report. “It would have devastated the lives of Afghan families and communities, causing immeasurable pain and suffering,” he said.

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