
Cops Kill Man

Iraq War Vet Given the Abu Ghraib Treatment to Death

“The two-hour-long tape shows what led up to the moment Edwards, a decorated veteran who served in Kosovo and Iraq, was strapped in a chair for 16 minutes, as he seemed to struggle to breathe, his chest heaving and his restrained body convulsing. Although the video has no sound, Edwards seemed to be either yelling, coughing or gasping under the sheer white hood deputies put over his head to keep him from spitting.

Jail staff periodically glanced through the windows of his cell but did not enter as Edwards struggled. Nearby, deputies focused on paperwork or chatted with each other. By the time a deputy noticed Edwards had stopped moving and a nurse entered the cell, it was too late. Edwards was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. In an autopsy report, his cause of death was listed as ‘excited delirium.’”

The murderers were government employees, so of course it goes without saying that there has been and will be no accountability whatsoever for this atrocity. Because this is the land of the free enforcers of state power and their pitiless subjects.

The Sad Victims of TDS

If you have studied the Left for any amount of time, it’s easy to understand why Trump broke their brains. They are essentially children in need of a father figure and Trump was no Obama. Obama was the cool dad that when you brought your friends over was nice to them and may even offered them a sip of his beer. Trump was the dad that was going to embarrass you by farting in front of your in-crowd.

The people on the Right that hated him knew that he hated them. I don’t think it was because Trump had an ideological beef with them, rather he didn’t see the utility in their endeavors. Starting new wars comes to mind.

The group that hates him that makes no sense to me are the libertarian/anarchists. Sure, hate him because he’s a politician and a mass murderer. He can bring all the troops home and stop the wars. Continuing Obama’s wars was probably the worst thing he did. But buying into the “Trump’s a racist crap” is just ridiculous. He’s an elitist. Big difference.

And then there’s the ones who bought into Russia and Ukraine-Gate, who literally sided with the CIA in a coup attempt because they didn’t like him. The excuses were hilarious. Imagine someone who hates the State (allegedly) hating Trump so much more that they actually stood shoulder to shoulder with paid liars and killers. To this day I am perplexed that they bought into it.

Do I think Trump is “Batman?” No. Do I think he’s even an outsider? Nope. But he is enough of a wild card that he could fall into a policy or action that would make us happy; that could end some suffering. The CIA causes endless suffering and that’s who you choose to triumph?

Whatever we think of Trump, libertarians/anarchists should appreciate a bull in the DC china shop even if so many of his policies are tragic. (immigration – even legal – basically ended, tariffs, etc.)

Welcome to Biden’s America where you get Obama/W part two. Well, at least you know Russia is the enemy of the White House again. That’s not dangerous at all. /s

Douglas Macgregor Joining Pentagon As Senior Advisor To Acting Secdef

Good news!

From Axios:

President Trump’s newly installed acting Pentagon chief is bringing on a senior adviser in a sign the administration wants to accelerate the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East before the end of his presidency in January, three people familiar with the move told Axios.

Why it matters: A senior administration official says a wave of firings at the Pentagon and the hiring of Ret. Army Col. Douglas Macgregor is in part a settling of Trump’s personal scores — but senior White House officials also have made clear “they want them more publicly to talk about getting out of Afghanistan by the end of the year.”

  • Trump, who ran in 2016 on a promise to bring U.S. troops home, is frustrated with the slow pace of withdrawing troops from the Middle East, another senior administration official said.
  • The president has told advisers on numerous occasions he wants troops home from Afghanistan by Christmas.


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