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NYT: ‘Was the intelligence tweaked by people seeking to hinder efforts to withdraw American troops?’

Can you believe these idiots? After two weeks of propaganda from their paper:

“Other questions abound: When did the reported payments begin? Were they payback for American support of Afghan militants against Soviet troops there in the 1980s, or something else? Were the payments a factor in the deaths of any American or other coalition troops? Was the intelligence tweaked by people seeking to hinder efforts to withdraw American troops?

Uh, yeah, good questions. Maybe you can assign Charlie Savage to investigate whether there is any truth to his story at all or whether it was leaked to him so that he could be used to “hinder efforts to withdraw American troops.”

What a disgrace.

Free Speech Is Sadly Controversial

In the topsy-turvy world we live in, this otherwise unremarkable letter calling for respect for free speech, published in Harper’s and signed by 153 writers, etc., has set off a nasty firestorm of statist-left criticism. It seems that some people are so insecure about what they think and who they are that they cannot tolerate a world in which others are free to say and write what they like. The hell with that. I’ll take John Stuart Mill.

Ghislaine Maxwell Indictment

The indictment here

She is accused of:

  1. Conspiracy to have sex with minors
  2. Trafficking in minors for sexual activity
  3. Perjury

But, will we ever find out who the “others” are?

2020 07 10 08 22

Maxwell is being held under federal protection:

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Federal officials were so worried Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime confidant Ghislaine Maxwell might take her own life after her arrest that they took away her clothes and bedsheets and made her wear paper attire while in custody, an official familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.

The steps to ensure Maxwell’s safety while she’s locked up at a federal jail in New York City extend far beyond the measures federal officials took when they first arrested her in New Hampshire last week. The Justice Department has added extra security precautions and placed federal officials outside the Bureau of Prisons in charge of ensuring there is adequate protection for Maxwell. That’s to help prevent other inmates from harming her and to stop her from harming herself, the official said.

But, the BOP has plenty of problems including a major outbreak of Covid in the prison:

“The Bureau of Prisons has been plagued for years by serious misconduct, violence and staffing shortages so severe that guards often work overtime day after day or are forced to work mandatory double shifts. It has also struggled recently with an exploding number of coronavirus cases in prisons across the U.S.”

Will she be the first person to die in prison of multiple paper cuts? Will her alleged connections to British, Israeli and American intelligence be exposed?  And, who controls her – who has access to her information – the Trump administration or The Southern District Of New York (where the worst crimes in the world…go unpunished)?”

“Ghislaine Maxwell was caught in New Hampshire. Jeffrey Epstein’s partner-in-crime is now in U.S. custody in the darkest of all places, the Southern District of New York (SDNY). The first thing on everyone’s mind should be, “Which faction actually has her and how long will she survive?”

Scott gives her a week and a half.  He is generous.

Dem, GOP Zionists Are The Tiniest Little Crybaby Millennial Snowflakes

For all their shameful excesses, the Antifa Social Justice Cancel Culture Warriors have nothing on those Americans who prioritize serving the interests of the foreign nation of Israel.

Here Florida GOP state legislators are going after a Florida State University junior named Ahmad Daraldik — the student senate president — because it was discovered he called someone a mean name on the internet — back when he was 12-years-old.

From Mondoweiss:

Ahmad Daraldik was elected student senate president last month, but his victory was immediately condemned by pro-Israel groups. They cite two social media posts which allegedly prove Daraldik is an antisemite. In 2013, as 12-year-old child living in occupied Palestine, he shared a (possibly staged) photo of an IDF soldier with his foot on the chest of a young girl. Over the image he wrote, “stupid jew thinks he is cool.”

The controversy was exacerbated after his critics dug up one of Daraldik’s Instagram posts from last year. In this photo, Daraldik is standing in front of the Nelson Mandela statue in Ramallah. His caption is, “Iconic. #fucktheoccupation #fuckisrael.”

Daraldik wrote a letter to FSU’s student body apologizing for the post he made as a child, condemning antisemitism, and pointing to his support for Jewish issues on campus. He also explained that he made the comment in ignorance as a child. “I have since committed myself to learning more about antisemitism, and while I made my comments from the perspective of a Palestinian child who lived under military occupation I have since realized they were wrong and offensive. I would never frame my experience like this or make such comments today. I choose solidarity instead, and hope you join me in coming together to heal and move forward,” he wrote.

Oh, no. Not good enough.

Here is the tiny quivering little wussy Democrat Jared Moskowitz, Florida’s Director of Emergency Management:

“Where are the Democrats? Where are the progressives? Where is the cancel culture? Where is the PC? When it’s Jews, apparently it’s okay! Instead of removing #pawpatrol perhaps worry about Holocaust denying antisemitism. Remove him #Floridastate.”

How embarrassing it is for Mr. Moskowitz’s children that their dad is such a pathetic crybaby in public all day about what a child said that hurt his feelings so badly. I bet the kids at school make fun of them all the time: “Haha, Jared Jr.’s father is a silly little bitch,” and stuff like that.

GOP state Rep. Byron Donalds also threw a temper tantrum over this young man’s important Instagram statements he made back when he was a tween:

“As a member of Congress and Co-Chair of the International Religious Freedom Caucus, I have worked hard to fight global anti-Semitism, particularly the BDS movement that has become pervasive across our college campuses. Any type of hatred and divisiveness perpetrated at our institutions of higher learning must be called out. I am confident that the FSU Administration will unequivocally condemn this toxicity and ignorance on campus.”

Everyone in his family must also be completely mortified about what a whiny little Karen their patriarch is, calling the manager on a kid for an ancient and harmless Facebook post about someone who it turns out doesn’t even really exist.

Of course the kid’s lawyer is exactly correct. The reason Zionists hate America’s tradition of free speech is because the truth is that they are guilty criminals and they’re afraid we’ll stop letting them take the money right out of our paychecks every week if we start focusing on that fact.:

“This isn’t about what Ahmad said when he was 12. This is about opposition to Palestinians narrating their lived experiences under Israeli occupation. It’s a callous attempt to bully Ahmad and other Floridians into silence around Israel’s racism and oppression.”

Here Daraldik explains what it’s like to live under Israeli military occupation: robbed, dehumanized, humiliated and why he oooh dared to write #fuckisrael on Instagram.

Virtually every single *actual anti-Semite is the world is a raving lunatic/total asshole who is insistent on proudly proclaiming that they are so and almost always like to attempt to convince other people to agree with them as well.

And virtually every single person who says “I’m not anti-Semitic, I’m just criticizing the immoral and criminal actions of the Israeli government,” is saying exactly what they mean too.

Anyone still claiming to not understand that is dishonest scum or really, really stupid.

You Say You Want A Revolution

Defund the state!

Untitled 6 3 640x400“I want to say that as long as we don’t receive our rights as citizens, without the terrible and discouraging bureaucracy, I’m declaring that I’m not paying taxes to the State of Israel,” Rudner said. “I call on all Israelis to do the same. Maybe then, at the end of the day, something will change here.”

Musician starts tax boycott as artists, gyms, cafes rebel against gov’t on virus
Hemi Rudner declares he’s stopped paying taxes, calls on others to follow until more support given to self-employed; fitness chain rebrands to stay open, restaurants defy rules


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