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US-Israeli Defense Pact

by | Dec 5, 2019

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that Netanyahu and Pompeo are close to finalizing a National Defense Pact between the US and Israel that was created by The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA).  JINSA is the think tank founded by Michael Ledeen.  Past board members have included, Joe Leiberman, Dick Cheney, John Bolton and Douglas Feith.  The current advisory board is populated with ex-military and politicians.

“JINSA has been at the forefront of this issue for 18 months and created a draft treaty in July, which has gained the support of Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.”

According to Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer the National Defense Pact would do three things:

“First, it would give powerful expression to the alliance between America and Israel. The second thing it would provide is a layer of deterrence against the most extreme threats that Israel faces, thereby enhancing both security and stability. And third, it would give a platform to upgrade the alliance between our two countries dramatically.”

It will certainly pass with bipartisan support.  They claim it will decrease the likelihood of war with Iran and Hezbollah, but it is most likely to embolden Israel to take more aggressive action in the region and commit the US to go along with whatever Israel declares is in their security interest.


Steven Woskow

Steven Woskow

Steve Woskow is an entrepreneur and was President of Agtech Products, Inc., a research and development company specializing in animal agriculture. He has a Ph.D. in Nutrition and Food Science from Iowa State University. He is retired and lives with his family in Northern Nevada.

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