
2021 NDAA: Another Massive War Budget

2021 NDAA: Another Massive War Budget

On FPF #522, I discuss the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act. The House has passed its version of the bill. The NDAA gives the Pentagon $740 billion and a black check for more war. One small victory is Tulsi’s requirement to study sanctions. The Senate also...

The Legal Battles of Assange & Manning

The Legal Battles of Assange & Manning

On FPF #348, I update the persecution of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning. The UK sentenced Assange to a 50-week sentence for violating bail. The US is seeking his extradition on charges related to the Manning Leaks. Now Sweden is also seeking his extradition. ...

Donald Trump vs The Constitution

Donald Trump is a lot of things; a fan of the Constitution isn’t one of them. Throughout his relatively short time as president Donald Trump has verbally assaulted no less than five amendments. Most of these have come in the form of an ill-conceived tweet and haven’t...



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