
Israel, Zionism, Jews, and Anti-Semitism

"In some quarters anger at Israel's brutal occupation has undoubtedly spilled over to an animus toward Jews generally. But however lamentable, it's hardly cause for wonder.... Should it really surprise us if the cruel occupation by a self-declared Jewish state...

And Another Thing

One reason I object to Israel's behavior is that it brings anti-Semitic creeps out of the woodwork. Thanks a lot, Israel.

Israel Gives Cover to Anti-Semites

Israel identifies itself as the Jewish state and claims to represent "the Jewish people" everywhere, not only Jewish Israelis. Thus Israel's atrocious treatment of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians at least tacitly encourages the anti-Semites, who are eager to...

Anti-Zionism Is NOT Anti-Semitism

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro says what needs to be said -- and he said it two years ago, before the clowns in the House of Representatives (Thomas Massey and a few others excepted) decreed otherwise. I have nothing to add.



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