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Israel’s Siege of Beirut Explained for Dummies

Israel’s Siege of Beirut Explained for Dummies

Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 to stop the PLO, led by Yasser Arafat.  Against the wishes of the United States, Israeli tanks surrounded Beirut and blasted the city with heavy artillery to force the Palestinians to surrender.  However, Arafat was hiding among a heavy...

Saudi Jets Bomb Yemen Capitol Sanaa

The Saudi-led coalition said it started an operation to target military positions in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, according to state TV early on Saturday. Fatik Al-Rodaini from Mona Relief Yemen Charity is reporting on Twitter that bombs are going off and Saudi jets...

Year Zero: When Is War Appropriate?

In Episode 50 Tommy takes a look at the latest tensions with Iran, and the possibility of a hot war. 10 minutes before bombing strategic targets in Iran Trump called off the attack. He said he didn't want to kill people over the loss of a drone. Tuesday, he began with...



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