
Good Old World Government

They love you so much. You can tell by the light blue flag of peace and friendship. Plus all the wonderful rape-babies. U.N. Peacekeepers in Haiti Said to Have Fathered Hundreds of Children “Girls as young as 11 were sexually abused and impregnated” by peacekeepers,...

US Claims to Kill ‘Al Qaeda’ Fighters in Afghanistan

Yeah right. USA needs an excuse for killing 40 civilians at a wedding the day after killing 30 civilian pine nut-pickers. So: Al Qaeda! In this Fox News piece they don't even pretend the "al Qaeda" guys they killed were Arab friends of Osama at all. One was Pakistani....

War Crimes or Propaganda?

Some say Israel brutally massacres Palestinians in Gaza using chemical weapons and indiscriminately targeting civilians. Others argue that Palestinian terrorist organizations are purposefully using civilians as human shields, in a practice that abuses their civilian...



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