
To AI, or Not to AI

To AI, or Not to AI

Americans allegedly believe in justice. Our founders deemed the concept of justice as necessary for the preservation of our republic; defined as a free and just society, where preserving liberty and property was the only legitimate role of government. Consider our...

Bubbles R-Us

Bubbles R-Us

The Wall Street Journal today brings word that a professor Efraim Benmelech of the finance department at Northwestern University thinks the Fed is hurting housing and the consumer too much. Opined he, ...those higher interest rates are making mortgages more expensive...

Biden, Our Boneheaded Chip Czar

Biden, Our Boneheaded Chip Czar

Jubilation erupted in Washington this summer as politicians lurched towards commandeering a key swath of the American economy. Congress passed Biden-backed legislation known as the Chip Act to spend $52 billion subsidizing semiconductor production. A Washington Post...



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