Deep State

The Party and the Deep State

The Party and the Deep State

If we compare our current situation politically and culturally in this country, to the many films Hollywood produces that depict a dystopian authoritarian society, we would be relived to feel we are far from such a reality. Much has been said about a “deep state” that...

Impeachment…or CIA Coup?

Impeachment…or CIA Coup?

You don’t need to be a supporter of President Trump to be concerned about the efforts to remove him from office. Last week House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced impeachment proceedings against the President over a phone call made to the President of Ukraine. According...

Ex CEO of Overstock Has Definitely Been Red-pilled

From Zerohedge Patrick Byrne the ex-CEO of Overstock sold his entire holding of stock totaling 90 million dollars.  What did he do with the money? "...after paying tens of millions in taxes (after all, “We didn’t build that,” right?) by Friday the rest will be in...



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